Important: Before downloading the v2.2.1 for Minecraft 1.19, please read the file description.
Chunk Copy is a Fabric Minecraft mod used for copying chunks from both singleplayer and multiplayer worlds and pasting them into singleplayer worlds. You can copy (download) world chunks from multiplayer servers as well. This mod adds a client-side command /chunkcopy that is used to copy and paste world chunks. All copied world chunks are stored in the mods/chunkcopy directory.
The mod can also be used server-side to copy and paste chunks on a Fabric server. Keep in mind that the server-side command can only be executed by operator players, so it might not be visible in the console.
Command syntaxes
- /chunkcopy (copy/paste) <file_name> [chunk_distance] - Used to copy and paste chunk blocks.
- /chunkcopy fill <chunk_distance> <block> - Used to completely fill chunks with a specific block.
- /chunkcopy clear <chunk_distance> - Same as fill, but the block is air.
- /chunkcopy autoCopy start [file_name] - Used to automatically copy chunks in the background.
- /chunkcopy autoCopy stop
file_name - The name of the directory where the chunk data is saved to and loaded from. All copied chunks are stored in the mods/chunkcopy/[file_name]/ directory.
chunk_distance - Defines how close the chunk has to be in order to be affected. For example, if this argument was set to 4, then all chunks within the render distance of 4 would be affected. By default, this value depends on the render distance. Because large chunk distances cause massive lag and the game to freeze due to so many blocks being affected all at once, this value is cannot go over 8.
block - The desired block type.
Just a small heads-up
This mod does not feature a way to undo and redo changes made to chunks. Please be careful as any wrong moves made cannot be undone.
Please avoid pasting, filling, or clearing chunks while having a mod that logs changes to worlds active. Such mods could cause even more lag or could even crash the game. One example is the Replay Mod. While the Replay Mod is recording, it records all changes that occur. As a result, it will attempt to record chunk blocks and entities being pasted, which could cause even more lag than it should. While this mod shouldn't be incompatible with other mods, it is recommended that you temporarily disable any mods that log changes to worlds before making any changes to chunks with this mod.
Some extra info
To copy chunks, log in on the desired Minecraft server, and go to the area that you wish to copy. Make sure that the chunks you wish to copy are loaded. Then execute the copying command (ex. /chunkcopy copy Test).
To paste chunks, go to a singleplayer world that has cheats enabled (it is preferred that you create a new empty superflat world with the void preset), then go to the exact same coordinates of where the chunks you copied are located on the server, and execute the pasting command (ex. /chunkcopy paste Test).
Here is a short clip showing how the mod works: