Chunk Destroyer Tools
A minecraft mod that gives you a set of tools with volume effect.
An example of volume mining with the Diamond Chunk Pickaxe
An example of volume digging with the Diamond Chunk Shovel
An example of volume chopping with the Diamond Chunk Axe
Packed Blocks
The source material for building these tools are the Packed Blocks. A packed block is always crafted putting 9 blocks of the specific material for each tier into the crafting table.
An example of Packed Block crafting with the Packed Log Block
Available materials for packed blocks:
- Logs
- Stone
- Iron Block
- Gold Block
- Diamond Block
- Netherite Block
Chunk Tools
After crafting these blocks, you'll be able to craft your chunk tools. All chunk tools use the same crafting shape as Minecraft default tools, only differing the material used to build them.
An example of chunk tool crafting with the Wooden Chunk Pickaxe
Resources for crafting each tool
Tool Properties
Each tool has the same properties as the respective tool material of Minecraft default tools. However, as a volume tool, the chunk tools differ by their ranges.
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❤️ Made with love by Nickoff