In the map, a chunk is displayed as a quad with a color which provides some information.
L : Switch to chunk loading viewer mode.
G : Switch to chunk generation viewer mode.
T : Switch to ticket vierer mode.
E : Toggle the entity overlay.
W,A,S and D : Move the center of the map.If one of these keys are pressed while the Alt key is down,the center of the map will be moved to 16 instead of 1 chunks away.
M : Open a dialog where you can move the center of the map to a given chunkpos.
H : Help.
0 : Move to the Nether
1 : Move to the Overworld.
2 : Move to the End.
Double click a chunk : Get more information about the chunk,or load the chunk to a given level (31,or entity processing bydefault).
The MSPT it uses up may be too high(about 12).
If you want to interact with the window of the map,it is necessary to open the game to the LAN (Maybe it can never be fixed).
The manually loaded chunks may fail to be unloaded beacuse of a problem related to the synchornization of the ticket list.