Are you tired of throwing trash into a Cactus ouch! Or throwing it into flowing dangerous lava? I'm on fire!!! - Burnt to a crisp.
Throw it under the Carpet (rug) instead and no one will ever know you put it there! - You can even throw away the Broom when your done cleaning!
To use the mod you first have to craft the Broom. 2 Sticks, 1 piece of planks, 1 White wool block, or with 1 String to make the Mop, in any crafting table and you have yourself a Broom! Time for some cleaning!
With the Broom or Mop in your mainhand, and the items you wish to tidy up in your offhand, shift right-click on a carpet and items gets removed from your offhand.
Items will be stuffed one by one under the tight space under the carpet, so it will take you a while to tidy up a big mess of items out. Work them hands to the beat of some music!
*Note that the use of the Broom/Mop/Trashcan removes items, its not stored anywhere items gets removed. Deleted, never to see daylight again.
*Don't hold valuable items in your offhand and use the Broom/Mop! If you hold the Broom/Mop in your offhand it too gets removed.
*If updating to a newer version. Delete your Broom or Mop and craft new ones after updating, some items may be tweaked and might cause crash.
Latest release for 1.15.2:
I added only 3 items to this version. Broom (), Mop (
)and Parts (
) . Where the Parts don't have any other use other than create the tools, but they are only located via the creative menu, since I've yet learned how to implement them to other functions. But that to be added later when I learn more modding stuff. But the man things is that the Broom can remove the full stack of the items hold in offhand. So no need to move that body to the beat of music, more than you have to. Might add a thing for that later :D And the Mop can also remove items in offhand, as well as removing dropped items on the ground where the Broom needs carpets for it to work. No need to shift+right-click to use any tools anymore. Then work anyway and this might change in the future but right now I simply forgot to add that function when making it.
Latest release 1.2 for 1.12.2:
*I found some issues with the "Broken Battery" and "Parts" not dropping like they should, not sure why this isn't working. I've tested it countless times and it all worked when I tested it.. And the witch is not named correctly in the language file. There might be more things that are broken, but I will try and fix it soon. Been working on this patch for months and are tired of fixing broken stuff, but I will do my best to fix it. But that said I will instead of just posting a "fix" or "hot fix" that is working, focus on adding other things and posting a update to the mod instead. So next version will have the fixed intended mechanics for the broken things this release has and new items added. That way you get double the amount of content :P
Since I have moved over to 1.16.5 for my main mod, this mod also is being updated and also will get some special items/blocks added for that version. And then also get updated to 1.18 and above.
Features only for 1.12.2:
Use the mop, on wet sponges making them dry, they do not instantly soak up water after.
Use the mop, on pistons to add them sticky by soaking up one slime block. And remove left over slime balls on a cauldron. Drops the slime that is not used
Use the mop without the use of carpets to remove items in your offhand.
Tooltips for all the items. You can read on some what they do.
Use the Broom by "poking" some mobs makes them do funny stuff or maybe useful things. - Do witches fly on brooms? In "BlÄkulla" they do.
Use the Broom on a Ironblock, by right-click on one with the Broom will spawns in a Broom-entity. Making it useful for dropping items onto it, for removing larger batches of stuff.
Use the Broom-entity and holding a specific item in your hand will attract it making it follow where you go. Activate it with Battery first.
The BlueHillWitch, drops a Battery, but only if she is holding a broom. You will know when she is holding the broom, if not give her yours, you will get it back when she is killed. -Good luck.
The Trashcan-entity, spawn it anywhere and trow items onto it, to remove them. It will remove every item except itself. Crafting it you need 7 Iron and 2 Parts.
Some "Hidden stuff" aka "Easter eggs" are added there's a few fun ones. - Will be added every patch.
new way of crafting the Broom or Mop with the use of Parts, and craft other things with them also. Parts should be obtained when the Broom breaks, on some occasions.
New added items: Battery, Broken battery, Parts, Gold tooth, Trashcan. Small sponge, Small wet sponge, Dirty water bottle.
New config file. - Will add new things to it every patch.
Hope you enjoy this mod! Feel free to post a video about it and post it in the comments!
Or join my discord