Clearly Metrics

Clearly Metrics


Clearly Metrics

Clearly Metrics is mod designed by FireBall1725 and AlgorithmX2 that gathers simple metrics about your computer, mods, and the pack you are using.

The data that we collect contains no personal information and is limited to the mods you have installed, your Java version, your Forge version, and some basic hardware info such as screen resolution

At anytime you can opt out of sending us this data by editing the MetricsOptOut.txt file in your minecraft directory. We hope that you will opt-in as it is both helpful to the mod developers and pack creators, but we totally understand if your not into this.

You can visit for more information


TODO: Pick license, for now All Rights Reserved


Official builds of Clearly Metrics can be downloaded from CurseForge


You install this mod by putting it into the minecraft/mods/ folder. It has no additional hard dependencies.


Is Clearly Metrics causing crashes, have a suggestion, found a bug? Create an issue!

  1. Make sure your issue hasn't already been answered or fixed.
  2. Go to the issues page
  3. Click on New Issue on the right
  4. Enter a title and description for the issue, to help in resolving your issue please make sure to include crash logs.
  5. Click Create Issue to submit


  1. Clone our repository via
    • SSH:
    • HTTPS:
  2. Setup workspace
    • gradlew -b build-<minecraftversion>.gradle setupDecompWorkspace
  3. Setup IDE
    • IntelliJ: gradlew -b build-<minecraftversion>.gradle idea
    • Eclipse: gradlew -b build-<minecraftversion>.gradle eclipse
  4. To build the project run gradlew -b build-<minecraftversion>.gradle build

Clearly Metrics API

Clearly Metrics allows mod developers the ability to opt their mod out of showing up in metrics, as well as adding custom metric graphs.

Mod Opt-Out

To opt your mod out from showing up in our metrics system send us the following IMC message: FMLInterModComms.sendMessage("clearlymetrics", "optout", "true");

Adding Custom Data

To add custom graphs to your metrics page on the Clearly Metrics website first register your graphs on the Clearly Metrics website. Each graph you create will give you a custom graph id. Use the following example to send data through IMC to your custom graphs:

NBTTagCompound nbtTagCompound = new NBTTagCompound();

NBTTagList nbtTagList = new NBTTagList();
NBTTagCompound messageTag;

// Repeat this for each custom graph
messageTag = new NBTTagCompound();
messageTag.setString( "Key", "Custom Graph ID" );
messageTag.setString( "Value", "Graph Value" );
nbtTagList.appendTag( messageTag );

nbtTagCompound.setTag( "Metrics", nbtTagList );

FMLInterModComms.sendMessage( "clearlymetrics", "custommetrics", nbtTagCompound );

Additional Fields

If you want to add some additional data to your metrics page there are some optional fields that are set through IMC that will add a few different things to your metrics page

nbtTagCompound.setString( "CurseID", "74072-tinkers-construct" );
nbtTagCompound.setString( "Download", "" );
nbtTagCompound.setString( "Source", "" );
nbtTagCompound.setString( "LogoImage", "" );
  • CurseID: is the curse id
  • Download: is the url you wish to link direct downloads to
  • Source: is the url where the source code for your mod can be found
  • LogoImage: is the url where a logo for your mod can be found, this should be no smaller than 200x200 and square.