This mod allows you to define your own custom aliases for any command, modded or vanilla. This allows you to type your own version of a command instead of the default one provided by the game/mod.
For example, you could replace `/setworldspawn` with `/sws` or "/gamemode" with "/gm" such that you could type "/gm 0" to set your gamemode to survival without typing the entire word "gamemode"
This change is only present on the client as a QOL feature and has no impact on the server. This mod replaces your alias with the actual command when it is ultimately sent to the server, so this is not needed serverside to work.
to add command aliases, add them to the config file with the following format: "myalias:actualcommand"
*(if no config exists, run the client once and it should appear after you get to the main menu)*
you can have multiple aliases for the same command, but not the same alias for multiple commands: eg a command like "/updatemoddata" can have aliases listed "umd:updatemoddata" and "updata:updatemoddata". both aliases will call the same command.
the config file should look similar to this when complete. *(JSON Array format if you want to get technical)*
["alias1:command1", "alias2:command2", "alias3:command2]