Cobble Gen Plus

Cobble Gen Plus


This is a server-side-only mod which expands the vanilla concept of a "cobblestone generator" by making the block created by mixing water with lava into one of numerous other blocks, depending on the block below the mix point.

  • Designed for skyblock especially, but also for regular survival
  • Zero dependencies besides Forge
  • No new blocks or items added
  • Works with vanilla clients on a Forge-modded server
  • Balanced and vanilla-friendly gameplay
  • Configurable in case you don't like my version of "balanced"
  • Supports wildcard stone types (andesite, diorite, granite, stone) by using chiseled stone bricks
  • Supports wildcard ore types by using bedrock
  • Every feature can be turned on or off individually
  • Bedrock wildcard block has configurable weights (with tested-reasonable defaults)
  • Ore duplication has per-ore configurable success chances


I have made several mods before but this is the first one good enough for me to want to release.  Please be kind as I've never released a mod before.  I'm open to feedback and constructive criticism.

You can use this mod in a modpack without asking for permission.  However, devs of large modpacks should know that I don't guarantee that the config file will remain unchanged in future versions -- if I find a better or more configurable way to do things then I will update the config file format if needed, which means that upgrading this mod may require you to change your config file slightly.