Cobbled Stone & Mixed Blocks (Cobblestoney)

Cobbled Stone & Mixed Blocks (Cobblestoney)


Cobbled versions of blocks are dropped, then are smelted back into the original

- Granite drops Cobbled Granite
- Tuff drops Cobbled Tuff
- Calcite drops Cobbled Calcite
- Andesite drops Cobbled Andesite
- Diorite drops Cobbled Diorite

Mixed Blocks

- Sand + Clay = Sandy Clay

- Clay + Dirt = Clay Dirt

- Sand + Dirt = Sandy Dirt

- Mud + Stone = Mudstone

- Silt + Stone = Siltstone

- Item drops of Mud, Silt, and Loam which have uses similar to the Clay ball items

Extra Granite

a few Coloured variants of Granite can be generated in the world

See the images tab

Many recipes included

Use JEI or other recipe viewers to see the recipes. 

See the campfire, furnace, regular crafting recipes, check block drops. 

Also optional recipes if mods such as Plain Grinder is installed or Cyclic (a handful of crusher recipes)

Should be compatible with any Forge mod

Configurable Worldgen

By default two of the three worldgen options are enabled, which run in the overworld. 

Turning all three in the config to 'false' means all the features are still registered (can be used in data packs/modpacks/other mods while mod is loaded) but are never run in any biome/dimension/event/etc

Example Config file cobblestoney.toml
