Cogwheel Tweaker

Cogwheel Tweaker


Cogwheel Tweaker makes adding custom Create cogwheels possible. You can specify the properties of your custom cogwheels in Zen-script and data packs.

To generate an example script for custom cogwheels, you can run the /ct example command. With that script, you already have small andesite and brass cogwheels using the prepackaged models and data sets.

To make truly custom cogwheels, you can use data packs provided by mods like openloader to package your assets with your mod pack.

Custom Cogwheels follow the format of adding other custom blocks with Content Tweaker as following:

#loader contenttweaker

import mods.contenttweaker.block.BlockBuilder;
import mods.cogweeltweaker.block.cogwheel.CoTWheelBuilder;

new BlockBuilder()

new BlockBuilder()

Cogwheel Tweaker requires Create 0.3.1+, Content Tweaker and Craft Tweaker