This is a simple compatibility mod between Cold sweat and Neapolitan, Simply tea, Tea kettle and others.
Tea kettle and Simple tea teas now warm the player up when drank, allowing people to fight off cold temperatures by drinking warm drinks.
Ice cream as well as ice cubes from neapolitan now make the player's temperature colder.
All mods are required for the compat to work.
Dependencies for all versions (pick the version you need based on what mods you want to have in your modpack):
1.0, 1.1 - Cold sweat, Neapolitan, Simply tea and Tea kettle
2.0 - Cold sweat, Neapolitan, Simply tea, Tea kettle and Farmer's delight
Edited on 19.02.2022:
As of today, the main mod (Cold Sweat) has received an update that lets people configure food items to change player's temperature in the config files, so the compat is no longer needed and will no longer receive updates because there's no reason for its existence if you can easily configure everything on your own in the newest version