Colored Redstone

Colored Redstone


World of Color update for redstone!

Colored Redstone mod adds new color variants for various Minecraft redstone components with simple recoloring mechanism, including:

  • redstone dust/wire
  • redstone block
  • redstone torch (compatible with Albedo lighting)
  • repeater
  • comparator
  • redstone lamp (compatible with Albedo lighting)

Additionally, light level and color shade of Colored Redstone Lamp depends on the strength of provided redstone signal. For example, redstone signal of 15 gives light level 15 and redstone signal of 8 gives light level of 8.

Simple Recoloring

Colored variants can be created in crafting table from another colored components or by combining existing components with specific dye. It's also possible to change color of placed blocks by simply right-clicking (Shift+right-clicking in case of repeater and comparator) them with the right number of dye items. Check JEI for detailed information and recipes.

Colored Properties

Some colors provide also some useful/useless/goofy properties, each of which can be enabled/disabled and customized in config.

  • Black - Withering - black blocks have a chance to apply wither effect to entity standing on them.
  • Green - Cactus-proof - items and blocks in item form won't be destroyed by Cactus.
  • Brown - Burnable - items and blocks in item form can be used as a fuel. Blocks can also catch on fire.
  • Blue - Waterproof - placed redstone components won't be washed away by water.
  • Purple - Soft - blocks reduce fall damage.
  • Cyan - Alienated - blocks have a chance to drop Enderman loot instead of actual block item.
  • Light Gray - Speedy - blocks have a chance to apply speed effect to entity standing on them. 
  • Gray - Sluggish - blocks have a chance to apply slowness effect to entity standing on them. 
  • Pink - Healthy - blocks have a chance to apply regeneration effect to entity standing on them. 
  • Lime - Slimy - blocks have a chance to spawn slime when broken.
  • Yellow - Fireproof - items and blocks in item form won't be destroyed by fire or lava. Items will also dance on the surface of lava lakes :)
  • Light Blue - Fishy - blocks have a chance to drop fishing loot instead of actual block item.
  • Magenta - Edible - items can be eaten. To eat an item press Shift + Right Click (Placing item/block has priority over eating!).
  • Orange - Explosion-proof - items and blocks in item form won't be destroyed by explosions, placed redstone components won't pop up.
  • White - Despawn-proof - items and blocks in item form won't despawn when on the ground.


Colored Redstone Dust/Wire

Colored Redstone Lamps

Albedo Compability


List of all changes can be found on GitHub.