


Colored Lanterns

Colored Lanterns adds 42 new re-textured lanterns to Minecraft. Two for each wool color (normal casing and styled casing variants), as well as some special ones such as the Blood Lantern, Haunted Lantern, and others described below.


"Normal" Colored Lanterns

You can create "Normal" colored lanterns (lanterns that are dyed but do not have their case color changed) by combining any lantern and the dye that you want in a crafting table, or by shift-right-clicking a placed lantern with the dye in your hand. The Blue Lantern recipe is shown below.

"Styled" Colored Lanterns

 A "Styled" colored lantern is a lantern that also has its case color changed, all lanterns except for the Ktarian (redstone) and Packed Ice (packed ice) have both a normal and styled version. You can create the "Styled" versions by using two of the dyes instead of one. The Packed Ice Lantern recipe is shown below, also showing one of the non-dye colors.

Dye-ing Placed Lanterns

All lanterns that are placed down can be re-dyed by shift-right-clicking the lantern with the dye/block/item in your hand that you want to use to color the lantern.

List of Lanterns

[N] represents normal lantern [S] represents styled lantern

  • 16 Normal Lanterns (one for each vanilla dye)
  • 16 Styled Lanterns (one for each vanilla dye)
  • Ice Lantern (ice or blue ice blocks) [N/S]
  • Packed Ice Lantern (packed ice) [S]
  • Ktarian Lantern (redstone dust) [S]
  • Bloody Lantern (rotten flesh) [N/S]
  • Haunted Lantern (jack'o'lantern) [N/S]

Future Plans

In the future I plan to create a block that allows for full RGB control over the case color and the light color, as well as expand to torches, redstone lamps, and other light sources in the game!

This can be used freely in any modpack, just give credit somewhere. If you make some cool builds with this I'd LOVE to see it! You can post things here :)