Colourful Blocks

Colourful Blocks



Color any block in any color!

Vanilla, modded, tile entities...

Over 16500000 different colors!

Fully configurable!

All this in Colorful blocks!

More information

1) This mod allows you to color any block in any color
2) Mods are supported, including full support for carpenters blocks, chisel and microblocks!
3) Tile entities are supported too!
4) When first launched, for each tool material, coloring tool material will be generated. Including modded!
4) Via config, you can customize or add new materials.
5) More paint tools are coming in future (fill, brush size, select...).

Getting started

1) Each brush has durability - it's how much blocks i can paint before it breaks.
2) Each brush has a buffer - it's how much blocks it can paint after paint mixing.
3) To mix paint, right click the brush. Set values via clicking on color slides or typing in numbers. Min is 0, Max is 255.
4) Click random button, to get random color.
5) Click done, when done :) ... Oh, and you need to have red, green and blue dyes with bucket of water in your inventory (ore dictionary compatible).
6) Paint everything! Paint appears on block as soon as you update it.
7) Paint is attached to block location, so you can easily remove block and place another one, and it will be colored.
8) You can color on top of existing color. Color will be replaced.
9) When paint buffer of brush is out, it will re consume dyes in order to resupply color.
10) Left click on colored block to pick this block's color. It will also consume dyes.
11) If you don't like colored block, you can remove paint by right clicking with filled water bottle.


Color selection gui:

One place - 8 colors (no color-red-green-blue-none-yellow-cyan-magenta):

Configuration and extensions

-CoB is highly configurable and can be extended.
-CoB config folder is in config/colourfulblocks. Inside there are one file (main.cfg) and one folder (extensions)
-Main.cfg file is responsible for general stuff. Like water consomation upon erasing/paint mixing.
-Extensions folder is where extensions are installed/uninstalled.
-Inside extensions folder, each folder represents one extension.
-To install new extensions, drop folder contained in zip file in extensions folder.
-By default you have 2 extensions: vanilla and generated. (3 if you are updating from 1.0: vanilla, generated and ported).
-Each extension has language localisations (lang folder) and materials (materials.json). It may also have recipes (recipes.json).
-First one defines translations of material names.
-Second one defines materials. Including recipes used for items of this material and it's components.
-Third one, optional, defines recipes.
-Extension creation documentation will come soon, but for now, item stack and recipes are defined using common way described here.


To install new extensions, drop folder contained in zip file in config/colorfulblocks/extensions folder.
- Ore Dictionary Metals: copper+ tin + bronze + lead + nickel + silver + platinum
- Thermal Foundation (not includes OreDict metals): electrum + invar
- Tinkers Construct (not Includes OreDict metals): cobalt + ardite + manyullyn + alumite + steel + pig iron + obsidian
Extensions will be on curse soon...

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Colourfull blocks - Color any block in any color!!!
InvisiZones - Invisibility Made Simple.


If you like my mods, your support is very appreciated and will speed me up improving my mods!
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