Comfy Cozy

Comfy Cozy


[1.15.2 version 1.0 Patch-notes...]

-Mod actually loads now. Sorry about yesterday ^___^;;

-Initial release build for 1.15.2 (or, first release that works in 1.15, at least)

-A lot of stuff is not implemented yet and there's probably some things that don't work perfectly.

-A lot of old screenshots and information on this page is currently out of date due to differences between Minecraft versions, updated textures, and decisions and changes I have made.

-Cozy Hammer has been removed. You just right click / sneak right click to interact and edit furniture now

-Recipes for everything in the mod so far are implemented (other than the Lucky Pickaxe, which you get by right clicking a Golden Lucky Cat with a Gold Pickaxe.

-Shroomin (new version of shroomini) now only spawn on Mushroom Island. They're tamed with Bonemeal. They eat any crop/food/etc and will convert it into bone-meal like a living Composter.

-No spawn eggs yet. Use /summon comfycozy:shroomin

-They have 4 naturally occurring variants and a couple of secret one's exclusive to nametag naming. I won't give 'em all away, but there might be a certain bee-themed one, perhaps. And maybe some based on some popular mushroom characters from an old video game.

-Cushions cannot be sat on yet, but there are 16 of them now.

-Oats, oat seeds dropping from grass, Oatmeal, and placeable bowls of oatmeal (sneak right click with a bowl of oatmeal) are implemented. Hunger and saturation probably need tweaking.

-Irises and Clovers generate in forests. Irises are a dark flower you can craft into black dye. Clovers rarely drop a Four Leaf Clover, which is used for Luck Potions and Lucky Bells (used to craft Lucky Cats)

-Luck potions have a use now! When you have Luck effect active, you'll occasionally not take damage where you would've (like getting shot by an arrow or taking fall damage)

-Lucky Cats are decorational blocks you can craft that will give you certain effects in exchange for right clicking them with a golden ingot. There's a bit of a tier list to them, but I'll let you find those out.

-Lucky Cats can be right clicked to wave. They can also be given a redstone signal to do this. Additionally, if a Lucky Cat sits on top of a Note Block when applied a redstone signal, it will play it's Mystical Meow sound effect.

-Black and Gold Lucky Cats are sort of like Beacons or Conduits. They have passive effects for nearby entities: Temporary Stasis and Eternal Luck, respectively.

-Iron Golems and Snow Golems now plant a "Golem Flower" upon death. It doesn't do anything, its just a nice memorial for them. You can use it for decoration or craft it into orange dye, if you want.

-Daruma is a glorified lever

-Tabanata doesn't really do anything, but it's based on Animal Crossing and Japanese culture

-Book Stacks have 3 variants at the moment. You can place these to get an Enchant Boost. You can right click to cycle the color order of the books and shift right click to change the laying position of the books.

-Fish Tanks are an experimental block that I'm pretty sure will frustrate you a bit. Basically, just right click it with a Bucketed Fish. I sort of recommend using Glass Panels for aquariums instead though.

-Fortunate is a potion effect you can only get by giving a Golden Lucky Cat a gold pickaxe. You get an enchanted gold pickaxe with Fortune for a few minutes. This pickaxe will break if you use it after the Fortunate Effect ends. (my aspiration would be for it to just... making any tool act as if it has fortune while the effect is active, but alas... I'm not good at coding)

-Anything not mentioned here isn't in the mod at the moment, probably (ex: Cinnamon Trees, Oat Lambs, Glowstone Jars)

-I think that's it for now...

Anyways, here's some pictures and a video of some new stuff in this version:

[Most recent 1.12.2 patch-notes...]

Update 1.3 out now !!!

In summary, this version fixes some bugs, adds Purple Awning + White Cushions, and adds dye-able Oatmeal Lambs.

Update 1.2 out now !!!

This version has some changes in world gen and deletes some blocks from previous versions, so you should expect decorations such as Cushions to go missing (they've been replaced with better ones!).

The world gen changes are just plants and trees, so it shouldn't make your world's hideous. You'll just need to explore new chunks to see anything that's been altered.

It also addresses some issues brought up in the comment section, namely crashes in multiplayer. That hopefully shouldn't happen anymore, but let me know if you encounter problems.

  /    /    /   /    /    /

[Special thanks for the 1.12.2 version of this mod...]

Special thanks to TurtyWurty's modding tutorials on Youtube, Cadiboo for code that makes it easier to render entities, Fradige95 for allowing me reuse some of their code from the Straw Golems mod, Superjulesbe for helping me fix the issues that caused multiplayer/server crashes, Jabelar's Forge Modding Tutorials, to the Forge Team, and to Minecraft's vanilla code, which I referenced a ton. Thank-yous also go out to every individual person in the Minecraft Modding Community (MCMC) Discord or anyone else out there who helped out or gave feedback. I couldn't have done this without all your support.


This mod was inspired by Joshua's Christmas Mod and Tea the Story.

I really liked the decorations and placeable foods in those mods so I tried to capture similar energies where I could.

The furniture additions are spiritual successors of sorts to another mod I helped make models for called Better Deco.

Other inspirations for the features in this mod include Animal Crossing and the resource pack Cocricot.

Comfy Cozy is a mod that adds multiple new decorational blocks with the goal of making your Minecraft sessions more "cozy."

That of course, is a subjective term so your results may vary, but my hope is that everyone can find something they like here.

A few of the decorations you'll find in this mod include: Bunting, Cushions, Fish Tanks, and some Japanese influenced decorations such as Lucky Cat and Daruma. By right clicking / sneaking you can even change the appearance/mode of certain blocks! (in the 1.12.2 version you use the Cozy Hammer to edit furniture)

I encourage you to look at the Images tab to get a closer look of all the things this mod has to offer.

(Although screenshots from different versions of the mob might get a little confusing until I work things out...)

Potential plans for the future; feel free to comment on if you think these would be good ideas or not...

-Shroomega, a much larger mushroom mob. They'll be tameable still probably. I'm not really sure if they'd have any unique abilities compared to the Shroomini. 

-Other decorations, like a Gramophone you can place on top of a Jukebox. Maybe it'd spit out music particles or something?

1.15 Port is in Progress :D

                   (expect some features to not be implemented) least not right away

Lately I've been focused on implementing a new set of decorational block models, Lucky Cats.

I'm curious what features of this mod you like the most so I can get an idea of what most important to get updated.

Is this a furniture mod? A farming and food mod? A mod that adds mobs that you like?

What do you think?