Compact Machines

Compact Machines


Crash without AE2 installed

ThatSava opened this issue ยท 0 comments



I was playing around in creative with this mod and I tried to automate power production. I tried to use this mod without AE2 installed and enter normal(gold) sized block (never entered before) and BOOM! CRASH!

Crash Log


Compact Machines 1.1
Windows 7 :P

What might be causing it

Probably Because it is trying to take classes from Applied Energistics without me having it installed.
I can confirm that after installing AE2 I am able to enter the shrinking block, but I instantly fall trough the void, if I place a new one(still the same world) works completely fine.


Should be simple to fix

if (Loader.isModLoaded("appliedenergistics2")){<load AE2 api>}.
Personal Thanks

I want to thank you for this awesome, awesome mod. I hope that I'll see more mods from you in the future. Thanks!