Compact Machines

Compact Machines


Bungeecord issue with Compact Machines Dimension

devryb opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Hi when using Bungeecord and moving to a server with Compact Machines mod installed clients get a Fatal Error. This only happens if they moved from the server with CM to a hub server and then back to the server with CM on it. If the player joins the hub server first and moves to the server with CM the fatal error doesn't happen.

Here is the clients log when trying to move servers and the fatal error occurs:
It looks like according to the log the client is holding information about dimension 3 after moving to the hub.

Version 1.19B


@thraaawn is this going to be ever fixed???


There won't be another 1.7.10 version. A 1.10.2 version is in the works, but is going slowly at the moment.


So this major problem is just going to stay broken ok.....


Currently working on a 1.10.2 version, the 1.7.10 version is not being maintained anymore, sorry.
Closing all issues not relevant for the new version.