crash report when enter the compact machine
runescapejon opened this issue ยท 5 comments
like the Title said when ever i enter the compact machine i crash, this is happening to random people anyways here is the crash report http://pastebin.com/QZsvzw2X
Currently working on a 1.10.2 version, the 1.7.10 version is not being maintained anymore, sorry.
Closing all issues not relevant for the new version.
Hi, I'm getting the same error whenever I enter any compact machine on my server too.
I then created a single player world and tested it. The first time, it let me enter the compact machine and exit again. The second time on the same world it crashed out.
My crashlog is here: http://pastebin.com/gXCy5Ymx
I have recently updated a few mods in my modpack and didn't get the crash beforehand.
Comparing my own mods and those of runescapejon against the mods I've recently updated in my pack, it looks like it is possibly caused by one or more of the following mods:
CoFH Core 1.7.10R3.1.3
ThermalFoundation 1.7.10R1.2.5
ThermalExpansion 1.7.10R4.1.4
DraconicEvolution 1.0.2h
EnderIO 1.7.10-
GalacticraftCore 3.0.12
GalacticraftMars 3.0.12
Micdoodlecore 3.0.12
Mekanism 9.1.0
MekanismGenerators 9.1.0
MekanismTools 9.1.0
ThermalDynamics 1.7.10R1.2.0
aobd 2.9.2
I shall do some testing my end to see which of these is the culprit in my instance.
dang, getting the same problem @Dooglesmile i have some of those mods please tell me which one is the culprit
@jon100456 @runescapejon He unfortunately doesn't support 1.7.10 anymore afaik. See: #192 (comment)
@thraaawn Maybe add it to the issue template? (just add a .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md file)
Ooh I missed Optifine, we both have version 1.7.10_HD_U_D6 which I also updated the other day.
So far I've tested:
CoFH Core, Thermal dynamics, expansion and foundation.
Mekanims, Mekanism Generators and Tools
Galacticraft, planets and Micdoodlecore
Draconic Evolution.
All still crash out with the originally working versions running.
It is a pity it takes so long to load the game when it is modded!
Edit: Reverting Optifine to version 1.7.10_HD_U_D4 fixed the problem. My game no longer crashes to desktop!!