Compact Machines

Compact Machines


Can't right-click with Personal Shrinking Device

plazia opened this issue ยท 6 comments


I can get inside my compact machine by right clicking with the device. However when I try to exit the machine by right clicking the device anywhere on the walls or whatever nothing happens. I cannot escape the confines of the device. I have to /cofh tpx playername x y z dim. to get back.

I'm not sure if it is another mod I'm running interfering with this but I can get to other dimensions like the spectre dimension from Random Things fine. Also the nether works OK.


have you tried to right click the PSD into the air, instead of on the walls? Might be causing an issue


huh, not sure what's causing that. I guess Thraawn will have to look into it, I might be able to as well :P don't have a lot of time tho, working on my own things atm


Yeah I'm trying in the air (not directly at a block) and also at the walls but to no avail.


Well, there is not much I can do without being able to reproduce the issue.
A few questions:

  • Can you set the spawnpoint of the CM?
  • Does it say so in chat and does it actually work?
  • Which version of CM are you using?

Modpack: Resonant Rise
Compact Machines version: COMPACTMACHINES-1.7.10-1.17.jar
Nothing is echoed or output to chat.
I simply enter the compact machine and I can't get out of it.

Update - It seems to be fixed now. Perhaps it's something my end. I am running an inordinately large number of mods. I'll keep you posted if it occurs again and if I'm able to how to duplicate it.


Not reproducible and resolved.