


Lightweight mod which solves several connection problems like Login-Timeouts, DecoderException, Packet size limits, Ghostblock issues, Payload too large and more. It also offers commands to analyze network traffic.

  • Login timeout
  • Play timeout
  • Detailed Network statistics
  • Fix packet size exceptions during login/play
  • Log data of too large packet to show sources
  • Log warnings about too large data beeing sent

The mod is not required on both sides, but offers useful functionality for both sides.

Randompatches (in)compatibility:

Set this in the randompatches.toml config file so random patches does not crash when started alongside connectivity:
mixin_blacklist = ["ServerPlayNetHandlerKeepAlive"]
Connectivity has some overlap with randompatches and happens to apply first, which makes random patches crash.

Timeoutout mod is incompatible/not needed alongside this

If you enjoy this mod consider supporting the development, any support is greatly appreciated.

The development is an unpaid free-time activity, so any support helps being able to spend more time on it.
You can support me on Patreon, by using the bisect server code above or just spreading the word around.

Network stats:
Client: show outgoing traffic:  /connectivity packetsClient

Messages sent by the client

Server: Traffic of all players:  /connectivity packetsAllPlayers
Player traffic list

 /connectivity packetsPlayer Dev

Server: Total traffic:  /connectivity packetsSummary

Packet overview over all packets sent in total