Console Experience [Discontinued]

Console Experience [Discontinued]

Potions show their effect and duration

Potions show their effect and duration

Shulker boxes display some of their contents

Shulker boxes display some of their contents

Most inventories have a button for closing

Most inventories have a button for closing

The in-game potions hud receives a timer

The in-game potions hud receives a timer

Loading screens gain some bold fonts, a bar, and useful tips

Loading screens gain some bold fonts, a bar, and useful tips

Eating is animated in third-person view

Eating is animated in third-person view

Superman pose when crouching and gliding

Superman pose when crouching and gliding

Weapons and tools show enchantments and durability

Weapons and tools show enchantments and durability

Firework rockets show their duration and effects

Firework rockets show their duration and effects