Copper Hopper

Copper Hopper


Copper Hopper adds a new kind of hopper that you can use to filter which items get pulled and pushed. They help you more easily build item sorting systems while keeping in the spirit of vanilla Minecraft.


  • Filter up to 5 items
  • Filter both stackable and unstackable items
  • Works with the Fabric modloader
  • Made of copper!


Setting Filters

Quickly build sorting systems like this!

How does it work exactly?

Copper Hoppers try to approximate the way vanilla item sorters work. They're just like a regular hopper except:

  • They never accept an item of a type that is not already held in the hopper.
  • They always keep the last item of a type that is held in the hopper.

So, just put an item in one of the regular hopper slots to "set" a filter. That item will never be pulled or pushed out of the hopper. And the hopper will now only accept items of that type.

Lithium Users Read This!

If you also use Lithium, Copper Hoppers won't work unless you set mixin.block.hopper=false in your file. This will disable Lithium's hopper-related optimizations that are incompatible with Copper Hoppers. (Courtesy of valkonmc)


  • The item texture for Copper Hopper was contributed by Pablo Henrique. (Thanks!)
  • Copper Hopper was inspired by Mr. Crayfish's excellent Golden Hopper mod.
  • I will not be doing a Forge port of Copper Hopper. (sorry)


Copper Hopper is published under the MIT License.

You're free to include it in your modpack provided you attribute it to pcal43.