Copper Hopper

Copper Hopper


Translation possibility and a suggestion of update to the item icon

ppblitto opened this issue · 3 comments


Hello. I'm a Brazilian Portuguese (PT-BR) speaker and it would be awesome if I could do a translation file for the mod. I hope it gets implemented! Right now the copper hoper item as well as the container are named "Item Filter" but I didn't find any en_us.json with the references.

Also, I tweaked the copper hopper texture to be more in line with copper-made items and blocks. I put more shiny spots to give a metalic feel to the item, hope you like it. Feel free to use in the mod.

copper_hopper Bigger


Thanks for the support! I'm happy you like the texture.


Hi! Yes, localization support is on my TODO list. If you wanted give me the pt-be translation, I’ll be sure to include it.

In the meantime, you can change the name in the copperhopper.json config file if you want.

And thanks so much for the texture! I’m a terrible artist so that’s really helpful. Will definitely use it (and give you a shout-out!)



Ok, I just released a new version that includes i18n support (with an en_us.json file) and also has your texture. Thanks again!