Copper Hopper

Copper Hopper


1.21 file naming formats were not updated to match the recent "plural to singular" change mojang did, as a result, mod broken.

Ynaught opened this issue · 1 comments


Here is a list of all the instances that were effected by mojang:

  • structures -> structure

  • advancements -> advancement

  • recipes -> recipe

  • loot_tables -> loot_table

  • predicates -> predicate

  • item_modifiers -> item_modifier

  • functions -> function

  • tags/functions -> tags/function

  • tags/items -> tags/item

  • tags/blocks -> tags/block

  • tags/entity_types -> tags/entity_type

  • tags/fluids -> tags/fluid

  • tags/game_events -> tags/game_event


The errors/oversight relating to such within the current version of the mod causing it to break in 1.21 are:

  • loot tables
  • recipes
  • tags/blocks


And I'm not sure if this is an issue because it's not on the list I found but it still might apply, idk:

  • loot_tables/blocks

The other three 100% need to be fixed for the mod to not be broken. Idk about the fourth one though.


Thanks. Looks like some keys changed in the json files as well. 🤷