- 1
#131 opened by PaleAsphodel - 2
[Bug] Crash of Game
#130 opened by dusieq95 - 1
[Bug] Most stonecutting recipes seem to use incorrect tag (c:zinc_ingots instead of c:ingots/zinc)
#129 opened by Mirka1405 - 2
[Bug] Window Blocks not culling correctly
#128 opened by NonplussedUltra - 0
[Feature] Copycat sliding doors
#127 opened by Lynzzyr - 2
[Bug] Copycat Ladder Error: Create: Copycats+
#126 opened by jackhidalgos - 2
[Bug] Deployers not working on contraptions after updating Copycats+
#125 opened by Doppel-R101 - 2
[Bug] Client attempts to classload Indium with Embeddium installed
#124 opened by Partonetrain - 1
[Bug] Minecraft crashes when using a Gantry Carriage with a Copycat Byte
#123 opened by isoextension - 0
Copycat mini block
#122 opened by AlcimosNetwork - 2
[Bug] crash loading the world
#121 opened by Rodrigo816 - 0
[Feature] Half layer copycats against vertical surfaces
#120 opened by PaleAsphodel - 1
[Bug] Copycat byte missing sides
#119 opened by PaleAsphodel - 2
Conflict with Diagonal Walls mod
#118 opened by KiyooChan-hub - 4
[Bug] Transparent/translucent gears with shaders
#117 opened by Dumpling00 - 8
[Bug] Inconsistent crash of the game (rendering engine) when in place with ton of copycats blocks
#116 opened by Starfire1147 - 0
[Feature] Possibility to make corners for Slope and Slope Layers
#115 opened by shawnyxx - 1
#114 opened by AlcimosNetwork - 1
[Bug] Incorrect block face culling on copycat byte
#112 opened by Marco6789 - 3
[Bug] Crash when loading into existing world
#110 opened by Xahria07 - 4
[Bug] Crash while launching on modrinth after update minutes ago
#109 opened by PaterFrog - 1
[Bug] Crash after Schematic Canon try place copycat (slopes vertical and horizontal, empty or filled)
#108 opened by Dek03 - 2
[Bug] Copycat Cogwheels have no texture
#107 opened by mxnmnm - 2
[Bug] Crash when trying to open FramedBlocks tab
#106 opened by rbasamoyai - 1
[Bug] Create Copycats and Create Extended Cogwheels chunk corrupting incompatibility
#105 opened by Penty2 - 1
[Bug] Copycat crashes after update
#104 opened by rymusov - 3
Copycats crashes on forge server startup [Bug]
#102 opened by forest-cat - 6
[Bug] Dedicated Server Crash Immediately On Startup
#101 opened by Epig-is-a-llama - 2
[Bug] Crash on startup
#100 opened by Elnhomantia - 1
Hungarian Translation
#99 opened by Fischer1000 - 1
[Feature] vertical slopes and slope layers
#98 opened by Marshall2439 - 5
#95 opened by Whoosfer - 1
[Bug] Light Emmision Not Working After World Reload
#94 opened by Fischer1000 - 1
[Bug] 1.19.2
#93 opened by Yummy-cookie - 7
[Bug] Connecting and transparent block textures not rendering correctly
#92 opened by mkern1200 - 4
[Bug] Create Copycats and Antique Atlas 4 partial incompatibility
#90 opened by Penty2 - 1
[Question] Hidden Easter Egg ?
#88 opened by kkempfer - 1
[Bug] Light source blocks forgetting that they are light source (visual)
#84 opened by Ferrlius - 1
[Bug] theres a current issue where if you have a fireball hit a empty copycat block then is trys take the texture of the fireball and causes a memory leak
#83 opened by HellFire576 - 2
Copycat Vertical Slope Layer
#82 opened by AlcimosNetwork - 1
[Bug] crash when running server with other mods [1.20.1 forge 47.3.0]
#81 opened by wesley-jpeg - 0
[Bug] Copy Cat Vertical Stairs extremely bugged
#80 opened by AylanJ123 - 0
Connected textures of Athena are not working properly on some copycats
#79 opened by Paper-wand - 1
[Feature]Centered Vertical Copycat slabs
#78 opened by Zanman06 - 5
1.20.1 latest forge server won't start
#77 opened by DogeKingChris - 4
[Bug] Copycat cat entity texture reverted and I'm trying to figure out the variant tag to change it back
#74 opened by CleverBalloon - 1
[Bug] Performance issues
#73 opened by bangetto - 1
[Bug] Game Crashes Fabric 1.19.2
#72 opened by StarsPath - 2
[Bug] Unfilled Copycat Board no longer Transparent for Fan Processing
#71 opened by Trent2Luigi - 2
[Bug] Recently changed board/multiblock behavior broke connected texturing
#70 opened by Vectrobe