Corail Backpack
The Corail Backpack is an adventurer backpack with balancing capabilities oriented on survival mode.
Age Limitation Warning:
- recommended for 14+, but not limited;
- variety of inventory geometries;
- can be enchanted for better durability or self repairing;
- can be dyed similarly to leather armor;
- supports quick access controls, when equipped:
- supports an item pick up into active inventory if shifting shell exists;
- supports an merging player inventory items into backpack sections;
- addition: crafting table;
- addition: anvil;
- addition: enchanting table;
* May accept up to 15 bookshelves;
- addition: furnace;
- addition: brewing table;
- addition: jukebox;
- addition: tank;
* may contain up to 27 bucket of one type of registered fluids or snow or milk;
Crafting information:
- the backpack consist of frame, main chamber, l/r top addition and l/r pockets;
- the frame is being made of leather and one of armor material that influences on appearance and capabilities (like survival in lava);
- the main chamber consist of one mandatory section and upper, left and right optional extensions;
- chambers, additions and pockets could be joined together but should be labeled in advance;
- chamber can be fit with two sort of shell quick controls;
- pockets can be tooled up with quick items swap hook;
- the label is being made of named tag (could be obtained from villager or in dungeon), leather and icon item (any item or two);
- the label could be applied to non Ender backpack part only;
- the number of label is limited by geometry of section so small one could have only 2 labels from each side;
- the same geometry chambers only could be joined;
- can be upgraded without taking into apart preserving inventories (see manual for details);
- support partial decraft using scissors and bundle (see manual for details);
- see the images section for crafting details;
- quark, jei, curios