Corail Platform

Corail Platform

Sunk Ship Salvage

Sunk Ship Salvage

Start from simple outline

Start from simple outline

Try to move it to all directions. A motion is triggered by redstone power and directed to the side of source. Use simple button or lever to test.


Ender Ship

Ender Ship

Wrong payload connection

Wrong payload connection

The payload calculation starts from the outlined block(s) and spreads testing the 6 directions on a solid block state.
Correct connection

Correct connection

All blocks are connected via solid blocks.
Build simple ferry 8 - superspeed

Build simple ferry 8 - superspeed

Making ferries or elevators be 100% sure it works removing the repeater.
Build simple ferry 1

Build simple ferry 1

Build simple ferry 3 - obstacle

Build simple ferry 3 - obstacle

One block isn't outlined.
Build simple ferry 7

Build simple ferry 7

Add left and right turn rotors. The block is side sensitive. Right power clockwise rotation, left counterclockwise.
Test where the waterline is

Test where the waterline is

Build simple ferry 2

Build simple ferry 2

A payload collecting is limited by outline
Payload below the lowest outline is ignored

Payload below the lowest outline is ignored

Build simple ferry 5

Build simple ferry 5

Use any shape. Keep all necessary payload covered by the outline block.
Build simple ferry 4 - outlined

Build simple ferry 4 - outlined

Redstone Engine

Redstone Engine

Make sure highest construction point not lower than entity head to move with.
Sunk Ship Salvage

Sunk Ship Salvage

Build simple ferry 6

Build simple ferry 6

Install some automation. Always use signal delay when tuning.