Corail Woodcutter

Corail Woodcutter


"Corail Woodcutter is simply a sawmill for wooden recipes similar to the StoneCutter, with default support for Biomes O' Plenty, Twilight Forest, Quark & The Midnight."


This mod provides a sawmill acting like the stonecutter but for wooden planks/logs.
By default, the sawmill exists in 6 models (one for each vanilla variant of planks) and will adapt itself to your ressource pack.
It also provides a support for Biomes O' Plenty & The Midnight for woodcutter variants and all the recipes.
Villages can also contain this sawmill.
It can also be used directly from the inventory by sneaking if you allow it in config (default is true).
For a texture pack more minecraft-Y by Synthestra, you can use this link: HERE
NB: the support for "Oh the Biomes You'll Go" is provided in a separate project: HERE


In recent versions, you can also use a command to discover a mod and generate a datapack of its crafting recipes in the woodcutter format (generated in the config folder).
The command also allows to enable/disable that datapack in game.
/woodcutter datapack [generate|apply|remove] [modid]

Sawmill model in Corail Woodcutter   Biome O'Plenty woodcutters

Recipe format

Corail Woodcutter : recipe format
"type": "corail_woodcutter:woodcutting",
"ingredient": {
"item": "biomesoplenty:cherry_log"
"result": "corail_pillar:pillar_cherry_log",
"count": 2,
"conditions": [
"type": "forge:mod_loaded",
"modid": "corail_woodcutter"
"type": "forge:mod_loaded",
"modid": "biomesoplenty"

NB : they can obviously also be edited with CraftTweaker.

Custom category in Jei to display the woodcutter recipes

Corail Woodcutter : Jei Support                                          Corail Woodcutter recipe

Corail Woodcutter guiscreen   Corail Woodcutter crafting screen