Adds titanium ore to the game.
Use ultra furnace to melt titanium ore and get titanium.
Build a titanium furnace using titanium. Using a titanium furnace, melt uranium to obtain uranium.
Build a DNA machine using titanium and uranium.
Take the blood of a living thing with a blood needle.
Put a creature's blood and usb into the dna machine and get dna.
Make a mask using thread.
Create a vaccine making machine using iron and titanium.
stop corona with vaccine.
-red coal
-titanium ore
-titanium ingot
-ultra oven
-uranium ore
-uranium ingot
-titanium furnace
-uranium dust
-dna machine
-blood needle
-blood-filled needle
-mutated water
-spinning machine
-vaccine making machine
-thermometer (Corona test)
-blue thread (New)