Corrupt Convergence

Corrupt Convergence


Have you ever wanted a nice experience, reliving to an extent the days of your childhood? Now you can not with this corrupted mod! This adds everything listed in the changelog below each version!

1.4.0: The Nether Upgrade

Release Changelog (Updated Every Full Release):

Release 1.3.0 Changes:


All biomes have been tweaked!
-Meadow Biomes have extra gold and emeralds and now spawn Taiga Villages! They also have more foliage!

-Corrupt Biomes spawn Pillager Outposts and have deadbushes.

-Dense forests spawn Woodland Mansions.

-Marshlands now spawn with better foliage distribution.
-Hummingfish now spawn in meadow biomes again.

-All cavemakers are retextured and have exclusive item textures.
-Cave gen v15 is included.

-Caves now randomly generate caverns and micro-ravines that can build onto the underground landscape.

-Cavern Cavemaker properly named.
-Capsule Cavemaker ranamed to Ravine Cavemaker
     - X and Z variants.

Meadow biomes can now spread like corruption.
Right clicking Meadow Grass with raspberries turns it into the special grass that spreads.


Cider Barrel - Will do stuff with food (currently turns apples into apple groups in groups of 3, and carrots into carrot juice the same way.

Compacting station - will compact blocks, currently unobtainable in survival and will create the unobtainable reinforced iron which is iron but acting like obsidian. Also makes compact sand.

Gave the Cider Barrel an icon

Added Apple Group Item - on right click, one group becomes 3 apples.

Added Carrot Juice - Gives night vision and saturation

Changed all Meadow Blocks: They are blue now.

Meadow Logs use old proposed log texture again.
Both doors have icons in inventory now.
Added Stripped Meadow Log. It is the old meadow texture.

All Meadow Icons changed:
The Sapling is now changed, the Blue raspberries were Meadow Berries and now they are crafted to the old "cooked form" which is now a slushie.

Convergence Item Recipe is now 1 creeper head with 4 emerald blocks in a cross

The Convergence Gem toggles Meadow Spread (by default spread is false)
crouch right click to turn off.

Added Compact Red Sand

Exact same as compact sand.

Both have values of smooth sandstone.
Added Apple Cider
Made in cider barrel from apple groups in groups of 3.

Named textures properly.

Half of the items have been redone

Performance fixes
Fixed z fighting in crafting station.
Fixed bad models being glitched

Fixed item duplication and loss in compacting stations and in the cider barrels.

Meadow Spread is now 2% from 5% in snapshots.

Corruption /togglespread command is gone.
Corruption Blindness out of biome bound to blocks.

Corrupt Ground, Dirt, Grass, and Dormant grass now all take hold of blindness effect out of the biome.

Changed /togglespread command to /why. Try it out

Fixed corruption not spreading after togglespread when it should be active.

Fixed Meadow spreading too fast.
Fixed location errors when giving blindness effect.
Fixed Player location in relation to corruption blocks.

Fixed Corruption/Meadow spreading performance.

NOTE - Unless bugs are reported, I now consider my mod to be bug free.

Everything Before 1.3.0:

Release 1.2.1 Changes:


-Put a shard in the crafting grid for an announcement.

1.2.1 release changes:

-Made Saturator Bottle only have 256 uses.

-Added Meadow Door and it's recipe.

-Added Meadow Fence Gate and it's recipe.

-Added Corrupted Door and it's recipe.
-Added Corrupted Fence Gate and it's recipe.

-Added /corruptionspread. (Toggles Corruption Spread for lower-end computers)

-Added Meadow Sapling Plant and revised both textures.

-Revised Hummingfish model to match other fish (still a custom look)

-Made saturator require redstone once again.

-Saturator will not saturate on block updates.

-Revised the biome fog. It should now be more dense, and slightly closer.

-Corrupted Zombie Model revamped.

-Saturator Block Revamped.

-Added Wide Lorax (he be wide)

-Added a secret item

-Revised all lorax models.


-Several flower types did not convert.

-Fog did not reside over the corrupted blocks (now renders when 3 or less blocks above them)

-Inventory Tabs did not have their names updated.

-Redundant code in Corrupt Grass updating caused huge lag.

-Corruption Potion did not affect animals.

-Corrupted Zombie never received a custom model.

-Removed any and all dimensions if they still existed.

-Fixed Sapling growth glitch causing ghost blocks.

-Fixed crash when a mineshaft occurs under a corruption biome giving minecarts a false corruption.

-Fixed more Corruption-related lag.



Release 1.2.0 Changes:

Note: I changed the mod prefix and nearly every block/item id. Expect nothing to carry over. This is the second time it has been done. The mod will be re-branded to the Corrupt-Convergence Mod. Also, expect the 1.12 version to not be shown. I am going to archive that version.

Have a great day!

RC-1 Changes:

Unless any more bugs are found, I will change the display name to be just 1.2.0


-Made All Corrupt Biomes have a fog hindering vision (halves chunk distance)

-Made All Corrupt blocks that spread do so in the daytime at 1/4 of nighttime speed.

Misc. Changes:

-Corruption Potion renamed to Potion of Corruption.


-Fixed Corruption Potion killing players outside of survival/adventure mode.

-Fixed potion effect being called 'Corruption Potion' instead of 'Corruption'.

Welcome to the Overhaul Update!

Full changelog below!


Added the Large Bottle and Saturator.

The Large Bottle is created by putting glass in a blast furnace.

The Saturator is created by combining the Large Bottle with many mod ingredients.
Note: I am working on a recipe page in a future discord.

The Saturator does the right click event on worn grass and worn dirt that the glass bottle once did.

Added Meadow Igniter to be in place of the removed dimension igniter.


Added slabs for every vertical version of wood.

These slabs are dubbed advanced slabs.

They can be placed in any direction (even vertical)

They do not stack, but they do add decoration to builds!

Added Truffula Trapdoor:

crafted from 6 normal truffula planks.

Added Corrupted Trapdoor:

crafted from 6 normal corrupted planks.

Added the Saturator Block:

when powered with redstone, it does the same action as the saturator bottle to the block below it.

crafted from 4 shards, 4 frames, and one saturator bottle.

It activates once a second.

Corrupted Bushes and Corrupted Flowers will now inflict damage based on movement.

Longing Music Disc has been corrected to be a fully custom texture.

Added Patriot Ore and Patriot Ingots!

Patriot Ore:
It is found on y-levels 4 and 5, in the place of bedrock. It takes 20 seconds to mine with a diamond pickaxe.

Patriot Ingot:

When you smelt patriot ore, it gives a nice message when in your inventory.

Added the portal block to go in place of the removed portal texture w/ the removed dimension.


Added the Domed City.

It spawns very rarely in the Corruption Biomes.

It contains truffula sheep and hummingfish spawn eggs.

It is a small oasis.


Removed Truffula Dimension


Made Thneeds uncraftable and they are rarely dropped through the lorax. 

Made all custom mobs have unique loot tables.

Notch apples can be crafted. (4 ingots in corners, 4 blocks on sides, gold apple in center)

Thneed Recipes are deleted.

All types of full wood planks can be used to make wood tools interchangeably.

Made a wood tool tag to add any extra planks and/or recipes in later on.

Custom loot tables can be added to any block/mob in the future.

Divided the 1 inventory tab to 3 tabs, for terrain, decoration, and miscellaneous items.

Added trapdoor recipes.

Added the Corrupted Wolf!

This wolf is a buffer, purple wolf variant exclusive to the original borders of the Corruption Biome. They do several hearts of damage and are very fast. They have a custom texture and a custom-built model to suit them!

They growl usually, to assert their dominance in the land. They will rarely howl. 

They have 15 hearts.

Added the Corrupted Zombie!

This zombie at first sounds like a mix between a drowned and a husk, but it is not. It is a brutal tank of a mob, dealing 3 hearts of damage at a time, and having 20 hearts! 

They will brutally attack any player in sight!

Both new mobs attack each other, showcasing the true hostility of the corruption biome.

Hummingfish now will take damage out of water.

Fun Facts:

The wolf howl sound was taken from the base game, since it is an un-used noise. This adds ambience and a vanilla-feel to the mob.

The zombie skin is one of my old minecraft skins! I thought it fit the "corrupted explorer/solider" vibe perfectly, so I went with it. If you want to, you can trap it and keep me as a pet in a way :D

Added Corrupted Plains!

Just a flat w/ no trees version of the corruption biome.

Added keybind for the letter "O" which toggles the velocity tracker.

Velocity tracker shows in whole numbers across the board (tricky to use)

Made Corrupt Plains Biome more aesthetically pleasing, with random vines coming out of the ground.


Fixed Leaves not being the correct transparency type from time to time.

Fixed the inability to place blocks when right-clicking on Worn Dirt/Grass.

Fixed right-click issues with Dormant Corrupt Grass.

Fixed truffula leaves breaking suddenly and after placement.

Fixed an issue that made the breaking speed for all truffula wood incorrect.

Fixed an issue that made the breaking speed for all corrupted wood incorrect.

Fixed an issue that made the breaking speed for all vertical wood incorrect.

Fixed an issue that made the breaking speed for all leaves incorrect.

Fixed an issue that made the breaking speed for truffula wool incorrect.

Fixed an issue that made the breaking speed for meadow grass, truffula grass, worn grass, worn dirt, meadow dirt, corrupted dirt, corrupted grass, corrupted ore, and corrupted ground incorrect.

Fixed an issue that made the breaking speed for the truffula bud, truffula frame, and random note block incorrect.

Fixed an issue that made the sky color for the marshland incorrect.

Fixed an issue that made the sky color for the dense forest incorrect.

Fixed an issue that made the water color for the marshland incorrect.

Fixed an issue that made the water color for the dense forest incorrect.

Fixed an issue that made the lorax and hummingfish drop duplicate items from time to time.

Fixed an issue that made the breaking speed for the corrupted vine incorrect.

Fixed an issue that made the truffula leaves break after placing.

Fixed the error of not having a trapdoor with the truffula and corrupted wood blocks.

Corrupted Flowers would constantly inflict damage.

Corrupted Bushes would constantly inflict damage.

Corruption still spread too quickly.

Hummingfish did not die out of water.

Some blocks were updating without any need for them to.

Longing Music Disc was incorrect.

Mobs had trouble spawning in the Corrupted Biomes.

Corrupted Zombies were too bright.

A temporary velocity tracker was not showing in chat (play with chat off to avoid the spam).

Corrupted flowers and vines were not tracking velocity properly (again).

Corrupted Zombies were way too slow.

Wolves were too fast.

Some math functions were not running properly related to velocity.

Fixed velocity tracker being always on.

Fixed negative y-velocity when standing on ground.

Fixed other velocity bugs.

Fixed twice the mod id being incorrect compared to the mod name.

Renamed the mod id to match once again. 

Fixed domes being too low in the ground from time to time.

Release 1.1.5 Changes:

Quick Note: I called this patch version 1.1.5 to align the update order, since the versions 1.1.2-1.1.4 should have been 1.2.0-1.4.0. The Next Update, 1.2.0, will be a fairly small update, but it will fix this issue in the versions.


All blocks and items, intended to be found by the general player are in an exclusive creative tab.

This will prevent the normal tabs from becoming too cluttered.

Vines are now fixed! (More on that in 'Fixes!')

Prepared the mod for an overhaul.


Corrupted Vines are revised once again. Items should be placed down and/or disposed of before this update.

Vines can now be placed like plants and will grow up to 7 blocks tall.

Two versions of vines exist, the plants and vines.

The plant version is the one just stated, but it will become the vine version if touched by any entity.

The vine version allows them to stay on trees without glitching.

Both versions drop the plant version.

The old item still exists for players to dispose of it and get the new plants.

Version 1.2.0 will delete the item version.


1.1.4 Update Additions: 

v.1.1.4 Release

  • In The Full Release:
    • Blocks!
        • Added Worn Grass
        • Added Worn Dirt
        • Added Truffula Tower Block
        • Added Water Cavemaker
        • Added Lava Cavemaker
        • Added Swamp Cavemaker
        • Added Meadow Dirt
        • Added Truffula Grass
        • Added Random Note Block
        • Added Corrupted Grass
        • Added Corrupted Ground
        • Added Corrupted Dirt
        • Added Corrupted Log
        • Added Corrupted Leaves
        • Added Corrupted Planks
        • Added Corrupted Stairs
        • Added Corrupted Slab
        • Added Corrupted Fence
        • Added Corrupted Vine
        • Added Corrupted Flower
        • Added Corrupted Bush
        • Added Dormant Corrupted Grass
        • Added Truffula Slab
        • Added Truffula Fence
    • Items!
      • Added Moustache

    • Mobs!
        • Re-Implemented Lorax
        • Re-Implemented HummingFish
    • Commands!
        • Added /rename to rename items to your likeness.
        • Implemented /damage to damage items the amount stated.
        • Added /getdamage to display damage in the hotbar.
        • Added ToggleDamage Keybind to always display the getdamage command. (Z by default)
    • Advancements!
        • Deforester is renamed to 'What are you doing?!' by using up a diamond axe.
        • Added 'Seriously...Stop' which is when a diamond shovel is used.
        • Added 'The Dark Side Calls to You...' for when you go into a corruption biome.
        • Added Hardmode Time (unimplemented)
    • Biomes!
        • Added Dense Forest! (A mega taiga but harder to survive.)
        • Added Marshland! (It is a shrub-filled swamp.)
        • Added the Corruption! (It is an evil biome which expands at night.)
    • Lorax!
        • Spawn it by getting the 'What is wrong with you?!' advancement.
        • Also spawn it with the truffula tower block.
        • Drops its moustache.
    • HummingFish!
        • They hum random notes, they kinda deserve to not exist.
        • Drop the hummingfish item.
    • Corruption!
        • It grows continuously onto grass and trees, the only way to stop it is by having no grass for it to spread on.
        • Path blocks, stone, any non-grass block works, as long as there is no diagonals for it to get through.
        • Corrupted Bushes damage like sweet berry bushes.
        • Corrupted flowers slowly give xp when right-clicked rapidly.
        • Corrupted Vines are kinda hard to place, but they can be climbed.
        • Corrupted Leaves spread from each other and from logs.
    • Extra Features!
        • Corrupted Ore now smelts to shards.
        • Truffula Slabs and Fences were added for parity with other woods.
        • The Cavemakers create little water and lava pockets through the world. The swamp ones create them on the surface in swamps and marshlands.
        • When a player wears any combination of leather and thneed armor, they will get swiftness, as long as all slots are filled.
        • The chisel recipe was changed to be mod-exclusive (corrupted stick and flint).
        • All Truffula Tools are now Corrupted Tools.
        • Truffula Ore is Corrupted Ore
        • Truffula Shards are Corrupted Shards.
        • Truffula Stick is Corrupted Stick.
        • Worn dirt becomes coarse dirt when right-clicked with a water bottle.
        • Worn Grass becomes podzol when right-clicked with a water bottle.
        • Right-clicking Dormant Corrupted Grass makes it temporarily Corrupted Grass.
    • Enjoy!

Everything Before The Lorax Update: 


Added Truffula Tools (Pickaxe, Sword, Axe, Hoe, Shovel, and Sword)

Added Truffula Igniter (More on that later)

Added Truffula Berries and Cooked Berries

Added Truffula Stick

Added Chisel

Added Hummingfish

Added Truffella

Added Truffula Shard

Added Truffula Sapling (Item)

Added Truffula Bonsai (Item)

Added Longing Music Disc (Music made by me

Added Much More! Explore the mod to find out!


Added Truffula Log

Added Truffula Leaves

Added Truffula Planks

Added Truffula Stairs

Added Truffula Ore

Added Truffula Frame

Added Truffula Wool

Added Truffula Sapling (Block)

Added Truffula Bonsai (Block)

Added Meadow Grass Block

Added Vertical Planks (Right click any plank to get a vertical texture, great for floors)

Added Much More! Explore the mod to find out!


Added Truffula Forest and Truffula Plains Biomes

   Both of these biomes consist of grass and Meadow Grass, along with the occasional Truffula Trees.

Added Dense Forest and Marshland Biomes.


The Old Tower is added. It consists of no loot, but it is a fun discovery in the world.

EDIT: Only can be spawned through a block now.


Added the Truffula Dimension

   This Dimension consists of those two biomes and can spawn the new mobs in the game.


Truffula Sheep (Looks like a cow, but it is a sheep that is very magenta. It drops the Truffula Wool)

Lorax (Unimplemented, was broken in the beta, so it is temporarily removed from all versions)


1.16.4: File Link Here

1.15.2: File Link Here

1.14.4: File Link Here

1.12.2: File Link Here
