Corrupt Forest
Corrupt Forest is a mod being developed by ISTHISREDLEAD that adds a new mysterious dimension to explore. It's seams like a lifeless dimension, but you will soon discover something way beyond what you can imagine...
Corrupt Forest is still in beta, as a lot of stuff need to be tweaked, as well as being removed in some cases. /!\ Wait for the first release to start playing a long term game! /!\
Documentation :
/!\ Warning : The custom leaves block does not stop having transparent parts when in fast mode, so you may have major performance issues in the corrupt forest (looking forwars to be fixed). When i use Optifine there seems to be not such big issues (be careful when using shaders to not load to much chunk with the mod though). /!\
/!\ This project is currently being developed /!\
/!\ Feel free to test it, but wait for a release to come, do not start a long term game with this version as items might see their name changed or be removed /!\
If you have any ideas that you want to be added in the mod, feel free to comment!
The current state of the new overworld biome :
Corrupt Dimension related stuff :
Weapons and Weaponry related :
Armors (custom models to come) :
Mobs :
Corrupt Explorer :
First view of the dimension :

Portal Invokation setup :
(will be implemented in later versions, for now use the /cfoperation command to go to this dimension)
Release estimated date : end of August ?