This is a Blue Lock Inspired mod!
=-=-=-=How To Play?=-=-=-=
Create Your Weapon Name
Spawn 1 ball, and check your Controls
Spam the Drible to control the ball
Hold the Kick Button and release to shot!
Use Z X and C to use your Weapon
Create a GOAL using the "Goal Block"
Score Goals To Receive TP!
Press M, and select STORE to buy new skills!
Shift + Kick Button to PASS THE BALL
Use Tackle to steal the ball from your opponent!
=-=-=-=Current Weapons=-=-=-=
You can Create your own weapon!!
=-=-=-=Current Talents=-=-=-=
MetaVision, DefenseMetaVision, Domain, Predator_Eye
=-=-=-=Current Flows=-=-=-=
Snake (+50% Tackle Hitbox), Genius (-50% Tackle Cooldown), King (+50% Power),
Monster ( +25% Drible Hitbox), Puzzle (Meta Vision)