Craft Matter

Craft Matter


A mod about changing matter from one form to another through crafting.

But don't be fooled; this is not equivalent exchange. This is something that balances the idea that matter can be created, with the idea that it can also be destroyed.

In this mod, you can craft almost anything into crafted matter, which you can then condense into antimatter. You can make blueprints of most vanilla things (and hopefully soon some mod things), and print them with antimatter. Then, using the power of redstone you can invert the antimatter items to regular items.

Long story short, you can effectively duplicate items at a relatively high cost.

Crafting Recipes:

Make crafted matter by crafting almost anything in the crafting grid.
Craft antimatter grenades with 1 crafted antimatter item and one gunpowder

In the blueprint maker, put crafted matter in the top right slot and the item you want the blueprint of in the top left.

In the antimatter condenser, put crafted matter in the top slot

In the antimatter printer, put the blueprint in the top left and crafted antimatter in the top right

Use JEI to help with any recipes I missed!

Grenade Details:

Antimatter grenades are extremely powerful and can be limited or disabled in the config


Need to register one of your items to a matter value?

Go Here
