Craft-able nether star

Craft-able nether star


Are you annoyed to spend your time farming wither skeletons head or fighting wither? This mod will fix your problem with easier method!

First, you need to craft four "Forgotten shard"

Forgotten shard recipe

And after you get the 4 shards, craft the star!

Nether star recipe

Pre-answered questions

Q: Can I use it in my Modpacks?

A: Please credit me when using it in modpack ;)

Q: Can you port it to Forge / older versions?

A: If you know how to code, you can re-code it entierely amd post as fork/port and credit me as original autor.

Q: Can I publish this mod on another website?

A: No!

Q: Why?

A: Because some mods ask for bunch of nether stars and it's pretty annoying to fight the Wither just for stars (and world griefing purposes).

Q: Can I do a mod showcase?

A: Credit me in your video and send me the link in comments if you want your video to be featured, I am very happy for showcases!

Q: I want something change in this mod, please!

A: Do a pull request on my GitHub!

Q: uR mOd Is PoOp BeCuZ tHeR iS fArMiNg AnD X!!1!1!

A: Just ignore this mod instead posting random junk, please.

Q: Is there another language?

A: There is currently American english, True french, True spanish and russian. You can also add your own language by editing this code and sending me a .json file of it:

    "item.craftnstar.forgotten_shard": "Forgotten shard translated by your language."

Q: Can I ask a custom question or report a issue?

A: Go on my GitHub pull requests!