Craftable Gunpowder by Netglex

Craftable Gunpowder by Netglex


Craftable Gunpowder

This mod is discontinued. For all people who tried it out: Thank you very much.

Has it always bothered you that only Creepers and Ghasts drop gunpowder? Then, you are at the right place. This mod enables crafting your handmade gunpowder.

1. Index

  1. Index
  3. Installation
  4. Blocks
  5. Items
  6. Afterwords


Minecraft Forge for Minecraft 1.8.9

Minecraft Forge for Minecraft 1.8

Minecraft Forge for Minecraft 1.7.10

3. Installation

  • This mod requires Minecraft Forge, so install it first.
  • Move the downloaded file craftgun-1.x.x-mc1.x.x.jar to the %appdata%/.minecraft/mods folder.
  • Enjoy!

4. Blocks

Saltpeter Ore

Saltpeter Ore

A very common ore in the Nether.

Destroyed by any pickaxe, it drops 1 - 2 × Saltpeter.

Extremely flammable.

Sulfur Ore

Sulfur Ore

A very common ore in the Nether.

Destroyed by any pickaxe, it drops 1 × Sulfur.

Block of Saltpeter

Block of Saltpeter

Crafted by filling the 3×3 crafting grid with Saltpeter.

Can be done in reverse, too.

Explosive and extremely flammable.

Block of Sulfur

Block of Sulfur

Crafted by filling the 3×3 crafting grid with Sulfur.

Can be done in reverse, too.

5. Items



Drop of a Saltpeter Ore.



Drop of a Sulfur Ore.

Use it to brew a Potion of Nausea.

Crafting Gunpowder

Crafting Gunpowder

To craft Gunpowder, you need 1 × Charcoal, 2 × Saltpeter and 1 × Sulfur.

The arrangement of the ingredients on the crafting grid is unimportant.

6. Afterwords

I hope you can enjoy this little mod. If you get any error messages, please post it in the thread. If you see any spelling mistakes, I am grateful for your notification. I am also open for any suggestions or constructive criticism to improve the mod or my programming skills. If you prefer the Minecraft Forum, you can find my mod there too.

I like muskets, a reason why I installed Balkon's WeaponMod. Unfortunately, this leads to a lack of gunpowder, if you use the musket excessively like me. So I decided, it's time to develop a mod.

If you prefer to contact me on Twitter, just do it.

- Netglex