Hello everyone,
this mod is a great addition for players, who dont want to stray off too far from vanilla minecraft.
Leather Piece
This small piece of leather can be made from smoking rotten flesh.
If you craft four of them together, you get classic leather.
Compacted Coal
Coal can be compacted in the smoker, where it gets twice as durable as vanilla coal.
Compacted Flint block
This block gives you a small spped boost while you walk over it, which makes it perfect for long tunnels, hallways and your storage room.
It behaves like normal gravel.
Flint tool set
Somewhere between stone and iron, but pretty cheap to make.
Complete set of tools (Axe, Pickaxe, Shovel, Hoe, Sword)
Also the following recipes got added:
- Crafted Leather
- Crafted Iron Arrow
- Crafted Strings
- Crafted Chainmail Armor
- Crafted Nametag
- Crafted Saddle
- Crafted Bell
- Crafted Gunpowder
- Crafted Cobweb
- Crafted Iron / Gold / Diamond Horse Armor
- Crafted Flint Axe / Pickaxe / Hoe / Shovel / Sword [Somewhere between Stone & Iron]
- Crafted Compacted Flint Block (4x Flint) [Walking over it will give you a small speed bonus]
- Crafted Flint
- Sliced lantern
- Sliced Chain
- Sliced Bone Meal
- Sliced Flint
- Smoked Leather
- Compacted Coal
- Smleted Honeycomb
- Smelted Iron Block
- Smelted Gold Block
- Smelted Copper Block