Create Central Kitchen

Create Central Kitchen


Mod Support

MarbleGateKeeper opened this issue · 31 comments


Central Kitchen plans to support all of following:
If you found some of 1.18.2 only mod supports 1.19.2, please leave a comment to let us know.
If you have any other support request. Please comment here too.

Support Request Guidelines

  • Provide links to the mod.
  • Elaborate on the integration features you want.
  • Farmer's Delight add-ons are preferred.
  • Mods with more downloads (more players using) are preferred.
  • The mod should have good textures that would fit in Create's style.
  • The mod should have good code and preferably open-source.
  • Integration features should include different aspects.
  • Mechanic-oriented is better than content-oriented.




Mod supports Create Central KItchen by itself


Requesting for updating the support of those updated Abnormals mods, especially Atmospheric.
And please improve the interaction between Create machines and Neapolitan crops if possible. For example, when try to use Mechanical Harvester to reap the mature Adzuki crops, the Adzuki soil will normally appear again, but the crop also re-appears at the same time, which is not good for automating. Another example is, when trying to use Mechanical Harvester to reap the mature Mint crops, the inventory inside the machine will get some sprouts of Mint except the Mint leaves. This action is as same as to break the crop by hand.


Requesting for updating the support of those updated Abnormals mods, especially Atmospheric. And please improve the interaction between Create machines and Neapolitan crops if possible. For example, when try to use Mechanical Harvester to reap the mature Adzuki crops, the Adzuki soil will normally appear again, but the crop also re-appears at the same time, which is not good for automating. Another example is, when trying to use Mechanical Harvester to reap the mature Mint crops, the inventory inside the machine will get some sprouts of Mint except the Mint leaves. This action is as same as to break the crop by hand.

I'm check that later. Thanks for reporting.


The mod is Delightful, and the particular features are sequenced crafting of the items added, like the cheeseburger and smore, and also adding Create liquids for the teas added by the mod. The number of items in this mod is definitely smaller than some, and I just think it would be a great addition to the compats.


Add support for "Festive Delight" and "Collector's Reap"?
Festive Delight adds Cinnamon Bush, and Collector's Reap adds Lime Bush and Pomegranate Bush.
However, none of these three crops can be automatically harvested by Mechanical Harvester.

Curseforge page:


what if support for the croptopia mod for its recipes


what if support for the croptopia mod for its recipes

I would personally say mods like Croptopia and Pam's are not in my taste.

Also decision should be made by @LimonBlaze.

commented If you don't like the sushi mod I suggested, maybe this one does


How about Pam's Harvestcraft? Pamela has updated the mod for 1.19.2 though it is not in 1.18.2 (at least I think).

Edit: I see that you said that it's not in your taste - but the more mods you support, the more people will want to use your mod in their modpacks.


How about Pam's Harvestcraft? Pamela has updated the mod for 1.19.2 though it is not in 1.18.2 (at least I think).

Edit: I see that you said that it's not in your taste - but the more mods you support, the more people will want to use your mod in their modpacks.

Don't mind me, that just my personal taste. All decisions should finally be made by @LimonBlaze since he's lead design of this project.


How about Pam's Harvestcraft? Pamela has updated the mod for 1.19.2 though it is not in 1.18.2 (at least I think).

Edit: I see that you said that it's not in your taste - but the more mods you support, the more people will want to use your mod in their modpacks.

Pam's is also not in my taste nor in Create's style, sorry.
Another good reason to refuse support for Pam's is its size, I don't feel like sacrificing all my time for Central Kitchen to support only one mod. The same applies to pack makers, I doubt if it's a good choice to spend great amounts of time on integrating Pam's content in a Create based pack.


We can't make Caupona support due to license reasons.
Caupona is using GPL v3.0 which enforces downstream software to also use GPL v3.0 license, and has only made exception for Minecraft, Forge and it's api package.We need more than the api package to make a full functioning support for Caupona. If we're going to do this, we have to migrate to GPL v3.0.
However, since we are providing support for other mods using Mixin, we can't use GPL v3.0 because Mixin will cause targeted mods to become our downstream at runtime. Since apparently none of our supported mods is using GPL v3.0, this would lead to license conflicts.
Even if we make exceptions for our supported mods in our license, those mods will still be considered as downstream of Caupona because they will inherit such dependency relationship from Central Kitchen, and again it's license conflicts.


How about adding support for Windswept mod? Integration features for Wild Berry Cookie, Wild Berry Juice, and Mutton Pie will be nice.

Curseforge page:


Compat request for Aether Delight which adds 17 food items from across the Aether mod and three larger addons to the base mod. If harvesting and crafting support was added, I'd be a happy camper. A couple fluids will have to be added as well.

Huge caveat: Mod is made with MCreator. However, it seems to be the only Aether extension for Farmer's Delight out there, so I think it might be worth taking a look at.


May I ask if it is possible to add the formula for matcha ice cream and raspberry ice cream
Curseforge page:


Seems that this causes an issue with Cooking For Blockheads kitchens: Here
When I added it to a server with CFB, the CFB Cooking Table stopped recognizing any recipes and just outputs 'Not Enough Ingredients'
Note: Server is 1.18.2.


Seems that this causes an issue with Cooking For Blockheads kitchens: Here When I added it to a server with CFB, the CFB Cooking Table stopped recognizing any recipes and just outputs 'Not Enough Ingredients' Note: Server is 1.18.2.

This issue is for feature requests, not for bug reports, and I can't replicate the bug you described:

The Cooking Table works fine

Support for Bundled Delight would be cool. It adds compatibility with many Farmers Delight addons adding copper cup alternatives for Farmers Respite's Tea, Glass Tankards for Brewin' & Chewin' and White Strawberry uses for Neapolitan. Fluids for the drinks could be filled into the compat containers.


同时提议为原版农夫乐事中的面团(Wheat Dough)添加“批量洗涤”的支持,即将一个小麦吹洗成一个面团,毕竟原版面团的配方是1水桶+3小麦=3面团。
Request to add food formulation pipeline and beverage fluid support for Corn Delight and End's Delight. Mechanical Harvester optimization for Corn Delight two high corn crops and harvester support for the "Purple succulent" in End's Delight and Sweet Berries in Vanilla. (Sorry, my English is not very good)


I think it is a good idea, so I'll repost it here:


Seems that Corn Delight finally updated,
I hope the issue is fixed and you will be able to proceed.


Seems that Corn Delight finally updated, I hope the issue is fixed and you will be able to proceed.

Nope. Issue still arises in newest version.


Nope. Issue still arises in newest version.

Sorry for the false hope.

Other than that, Italian Delight could be a good addition (I have to mention some recipes are made to work with Brewin' and Chewin).

EDIT: it's MIT licensed but I can't manage to find its source code and it's a MCreator mod, so maybe it falls in the no-list.

EDIT 2: Forget about Italian Delight for now, it is too buggy at the moment (grapevine is unusable, so that make half the content unusable, not to mentions there are too much warnings in logs, no source code and badly documented).


Nope. Issue still arises in newest version.

Sorry for the false hope.

Other than that, Italian Delight could be a good addition (I have to mention some recipes are made to work with Brewin' and Chewin).

EDIT: it's MIT licensed but I can't manage to find its source code and it's a MCreator mod, so maybe it falls in the no-list.

EDIT 2: Forget about Italian Delight for now, it is too buggy at the moment (grapevine is unusable, so that make half the content unusable, not to mentions there are too much warnings in logs, no source code and badly documented).

Now Corn Delight support has been added.




Requesting support for Crabber's Delight. One of the only 1.20.1 addons for Farmer's Delight I haven't seen anyone mention yet.


Request to add Mechanical Harvester support for the "Lemon Tree" and “Blueberry Bush” in Fruits Delight.
And Mechanical Saw support for the“Vanilla Pods” in Neapolitan.


Request for My Nether's Delight, a newer branch of Nether's Delight with more polished concepts of the original. There are 3 feasts and 18 plated meals, and some crops without out-of-the-box compat with create, like bullet peppers and powdery cane.


Request for Youkai's Homecoming. It adds 2 types of cooking pots, 2 more cooking stations, a few crops, and a lot of foods and drinks.

Some fluids may need to be created for the drinks.


The mod is Delightful, and the particular features are sequenced crafting of the items added, like the cheeseburger and smore, and also adding Create liquids for the teas added by the mod. The number of items in this mod is definitely smaller than some, and I just think it would be a great addition to the compats.

The mod also adds animal oil, which I feel would be good if made into liquid fuel by this mod for Create and its addons