Discord: https://discord.gg/BCHNhsDMXz
Required Dependency:
This mod adds:
- 11 kinds of fruits: peach, pear, mango, lychee, hawberry, orange, persimmon, blueberry, lemon, hamimelon, pineapple. All fruit types have unique food effects when made into food products.
- 48 kinds of fruit-based food products, including drinks, snacks, meals and feasts.
- 12 naturally generated plants, including 9 fruit trees (8 mod fruit tree and 1 apple tree) and 3 single-block plants.
- 9 food effects that are useful in exploration and combat.
Food Effects
Food effects are not available on raw fruits. They are only on processed food such as jelly, juice, and snacks.
- Hawberry: Appetizing (Allow player to eat even while food bar is full)
- Pear: Lozenge (Increase eating speed)
- Persimmon: Astringent (Increase friction, allow player to walk on slippery blocks such as ice blocks as of they are walking on regular blocks)
- Peach: Healing Aura (Apply instant heal on entities around you)
- Mango: Strength III + Rage Aura (Mobs around you will be hostile to you)
- Blueberry: Night Vision + Brightening (make player immune to darkness and blindness for a short time)
- Orange: Regeneration + Recovering (make player immune to poison and wither for a short time)
- Pineapple: Speed + Sweetening (make player immune to slowness for a short time)
- Lemon: Haste + Refreshing (make player immune to mining fatigue for a short time)
- Hamimelon: Health Boost
- Lychee: Strength III but very short duration
Checkout our other mods:
Twilight's Flavors & Delight: Farmer's Delight style food with Twilight Forest ingredients. Also adds food in Neapolitan styles.
Cuisine Delight: Cook your own plate with any combination of ingredients you can think of
L2Backpack: Backpacks, mass item storage, and remote transportation
L2Artifacts: Curios items that gives high attribute boost and special abilities
ModularGolems: Tinker-like highly customizable golems that are handy in combat and mob farms
L2Complements: End-game materials, gears, enchantments, and potions
L2Weaponry: A variety of melee weapons, throwable weapons, and shields, each with special abilities
L2Archery: A variety of bows and arrows, each with special abilities
L2Hostility: Mob enhancement mod that adapts to player strength. Kill mobs to increase difficulty, and reduce difficulty when you die.