Create: Connected Fabric [experimental]

Create: Connected Fabric [experimental]


Update modrinth description

AnCarsenat opened this issue · 0 comments


Rewrote desc, your mod needs more upvtoes, please credit, and continue, your mod is nice,
You shoud add computer craft integrations like for rotating at certain angles (cc:tweaked)
Have a nice day

**UNOFFICIAL Fabric Port of Create: Connected by Lysine**

> **⚠️ Disclaimer:** This port is unofficial, and Lysine has not reviewed or assisted with the code. Please avoid asking about it on the official Create: Connected channels.

The mod is experimental, so not all features have been ported. However, it should now run without errors. All rights remain with Lysine.

**Current Port Status:**

| Feature                           | Status                                     |
| ⚙️ **Kinetic Blocks**              | ✅ Implemented (except encased chain cogwheel) |
| 🐾 **Copycats**                    | ❌ Not planned                             |
| 📦 **Item Silo**                   | ❌ Not planned                             |
| ⚙️ **Contraption Behaviors**       | ❌ Not planned                             |
| 🎶 **Music Disks**                 | ❌ Not planned                             |
| 🔩 **Control Chip**                | ❌ Not planned                             |
|**Sequenced Pulse Generator**   | ✅ Implemented (recipe modified)           |
| 📡 **Linked Transmitter**          | 🚧 Not implemented                        |
| 🔄 **S. Gearshift Instructions**   | 🚧 Not implemented                        |
| 📐 **Nested Schematics**           | 🚧 Not implemented                        |
| ⚙️ **Configs and Feature Toggle**  | ❌ Not planned                             |
| 🛠️ **Mod Compatibility**           | ❌ Not planned                             |
| 📝 **Datagen**                     | ❌ Not planned                             |
| 🏆 **Advancements**                | ❌ Not planned                             |
| 📖 **Ponders and Recipes**         | ✅ Implemented                             |
| 🎨 **Cosmetic Blocks**             | ❌ Not planned                             |
| 🌬️ **Fan Catalysts**               | ✅ Implemented                             |
| 🔄 **Manual Appl. Recipe Changes** | 🚧 Not implemented                        |
| 🏷️ **Tags**                        | ✅ Implemented                             |

Conditions are the same as for the original mod.