Create: Connected Fabric [experimental]

Create: Connected Fabric [experimental]


Create: Connected [FABRIC]

This is an UNOFFICIAL port of Create: Connected by Lysine to Fabric.
It's experimental and may damage your saves, so you have been warned.

Port Status

Feature Status
Kinetic Blocks ✅ Implemented except encased chain cogwheel
Copycats ❌ Not planned
Item Silo ❌ Not planned
Contraption Behaviors ❌ Not planned
Music Disks ❌ Not planned
Control Chip ❌ Not planned
Sequenced Pulse Generator ✅ Implemented, recipe changed
Linked Transmitter 🚧 Not implemented
S. Gearshift Instructions 🚧 Not implemented
Nested Schematics 🚧 Not implemented
Configs and Feature Toggle ❌ Not planned
Mod Compat ❌ Not planned
Datagen ❌ Not planned
Advancements ❌ Not planned
Ponders and Recipes ✅ Implemented
Cosmetic Blocks ❌ Not planned
Fan Catalysts ✅ Implemented
Manual Appl. Rec. Changes 🚧 Not implemented
Tags ✅ Implemented


The conditions are the same as for the original mod.
However, I personally wouldn't recommend using the ported version for modpacks.


Feel free to help me port the mod! Even if a feature is not planned!