Destroy: Chemistry and Carnage

Destroy: Chemistry and Carnage




This is a mirror. Here's the main page. You can find more release information on this Reddit post, which is also the place to discuss. Comments on this website will be ignored.

Destroy is an add-on to Create, adding new chemicals and chemical processes geared around the production of Plastic. Build complex chemical plants, manufacture powerful new explosives, or even break bad, but be careful that along the way you are mitigating your effects on the environment – and yourself! While playing you will encounter dozens of real-world chemical processes, but with Destroy's tooltips and extensive JEI and Ponder support even players with zero chemical knowledge will be unhindered.

Destroy's flagship feature is its sandbox chemistry system. While other technical mods add machines and recipes based on chemical processes, Destroy actually simulates chemistry on the molecular level. This means that there is rarely a set way of doing things – you are provided with a wide range of reactants and can combine, transform and extract these in a potentially infinite number of ways to create various molecules, making the chemistry feel less like following instructions and more like playing Minecraft.

Destroy also adds a wealth of features that expand upon Create's existing systems - new kinetic components, processing machines, and lots of 'curiosities' with novel abilities.

Check out these images to see what Destroy is all about!


🥇 Free Badges

Badges are in-game cosmetics (with no gameplay function) that are usually given for donations. But currently free Badges are available:


  • People who are vitally useful during Destroy's beta testing (at the developer's arbitration) receive the Beta Tester Badge
  • People whose screenshots are selected and used to decorate Destroy's Modrinth and Patreon pages are awarded the Winner Winner Chicken Dinner Badge. You can DM submissions to petrolpark on Discord

⚙️ Dependents:

  - Ensure you have up-to-date versions of Forge and Create. - It is highly recommended that you also use JEI for recipes.


⚠️ Content Warning - Please Read:

  Destroy contains light themes of violence, alcohol and substance abuse. Destroy features real-life synthesis paths for real-life, real dangerous (and legally controlled) chemicals. Do not attempt to recreate anything you see in Destroy. Many syntheses included are intentionally erroneous and all lack vital details, so will be unsuccessful if attempted in real life. Practising chemistry in any capacity is dangerous to yourself and others.

🔨 Beta

Destroy is in open beta. Absolutely anything is liable to change (textures, gameplay and more), and much more is on the way! So take what you see with a grain of salt.


💭 The Design of Destroy:

  Believe it or not, a great degree of care actually went into choosing what and what not to put into Destroy. Rather than cramming in gazillions of niche, single-use substances that clog up storage systems, or hundreds of very-similar-but-not-quite-the-same machines which are brain-melting to wrap your head around, compromises have been made between scientific accuracy and player experience. Except in some specific cases, every intermediate substance added by Destroy should have 1) at least two uses and 2) at least two methods for obtaining. Recipes for final products are complicated, yes - but not needlessly complicated. It is hoped that Destroy provides a fun simulation of real-world industrial chemistry, but without needing an actual chemistry degree.

📦 Use In Modpacks:

Destroy can be used in any modpack as long as credit is given. Destroy is designed as a mid-game pathway to more advanced technology mods. It is recommended that, as the Plastics which Destroy introduces intentionally have limited applications within Destroy itself, that modpack creators change recipes for items from later-game mods to include Plastics. It is also recommended that the generation of ore blocks of rare minerals featured in Destroy (i.e. Platinum, Palladium, and Rhodium) are disabled or reduced in other mods, for balancing reasons.

🏆 Credits:

  Destroy is a mod by Petrolpark (My first mod! What? It's not overambitious, you're overambitious!)