Destroy: Chemistry and Carnage

Destroy: Chemistry and Carnage


Issue, Suggestion and Translation Guidelines

petrolpark opened this issue · 0 comments


Issue, Suggestion and Translation Guidelines

Before submitting a bug report, carefully read these rules and guidelines. This keeps the number of bug reports and submissions low and easy to moderate.


Before submitting a bug report...

  • Check if the bug has already been reported.
  • If you observe a bug with add-ons installed, remove them and try to replicate the bug. Only submit a bug report if you are sure it is with Destroy. Never submit a bug report with Optifine installed.
  • Do not bother coding changes for a PR without first making a bug report (the exception is for obvious changes like typos).
  • If you do make a PR, preceed merges with an emoji. It doesn't matter which one and this is not essential, but it makes it easy at a glance to see which merge a change came from.
  • If you are interested in the Beta Tester Badge, include your Minecraft username in your report. This Badge is awarded at the developer's discretion to people who submit numerous useful reports with high detail and quality. Don't beg for it.


Before making a suggestion...

  • Check if your suggestion already exists – if it does, comment on that post; don't make a new one. Don't replicate denied posts unless you have something new to add.
  • The best suggestions are small - e.g. add this tag to this item, or this compatibility recipe for this mod, or this reaction. Don't suggest brand new systems (e.g. "here is my idea for nuclear technology; there are three tiers of reactor..."), as they will be ignored. Currently we're looking for suggestions for ways to display Badges, balancing for survival gameplay, and links between existing features of Destroy (e.g. "add this reaction between these two molecules that already exist in Destroy").
  • Ideally lists of suggestions should be separate posts.
  • If you are interested in the Good Suggestion Badge, include your Minecraft username in your report. The Badge is awarded at the developer's discretion for highly specific suggestions which end up getting implemented.
  • Porting is not a suggestion. Do not ask for ports to other versions (old or new), or to other modloaders like Fabric. They will come when they come.

Once you have thoroughly read and understood these guidelines, you can make suggestions and bug reports.

Bear in mind that comments on closed issues are unlikely to be read.


Some information for translators:

  • A Crowdin will be made sometime soon. For now, submit translations as PRs.
  • Translators are encouraged to make up their own puns.
  • The main file in .../lang/en_us.json is not the only file which can be translated. There is also the contents of .../lang/destroy_compat/, if relevant to your language.
    • You can exert more control over names of salts with salt name overrides: #118 (comment)
    • The chemistry definition system where you hover over words to see their definitions is entirely controlled through the language file. Find out more here.
  • If you are interested in the Cunning Linguist Badge, include your Minecraft username in your PR.
  • Preceed merges with an emoji. It doesn't matter which one and this is not essential, but it makes it easy at a glance to see which merge a change came from.