Destroy: Chemistry and Carnage

Destroy: Chemistry and Carnage


Suggestion: Separate the translation keys for 'chloride' and 'generic_chloride'

AsseyGithub opened this issue · 2 comments


Currently, both 'chloride' (Cl-) and 'generic_chloride' (R3CCl) use the same translation key, 'destroy.chemical.chloride', causing both to be displayed as 'Chloride' in the game. However, unlike in English, in Korean, each of them should be represented with different names: '염화 이온' and '염화물,' which respectively mean 'Chloride ion' and 'Chloride compound' in English.

I suggest giving them their own translation keys. They will still both appear as 'Chloride' in English, but translators can edit them to better suit their language.


This is ion, so should called be "염화 이온" in ko_kr (chloride-ion)

And, this is compound, should name be "염화물" in ko_kr (chloride)

I agree their translation keys need to separate.


Fixed in 0.4. The ion will remain as chloride and the generic Molecule will be named with the key destroy.chemical.organic_chloride.