Destroy: Chemistry and Carnage

Destroy: Chemistry and Carnage


Unnable to launch on forge or neoforge...

walksanatora opened this issue ยท 3 comments


something about something from registrate being null


Enigmatic Legacy ( [2.29.0] by Aizistral
Squat Grow ( [5.2.0+mc1.20.1] by Gaz
EMI ( [1.1.0+1.20.1+forge] by Emi
Carry On ( [
] by Tschipp, Purplicious_Cow, cy4n
Mana and Artifice ( [] by Mithion
Relics ( [] by SSKirillSS
Iron's Spells 'n Spellbooks ( [1.20.1-2.2.1] by Iron431, Lab3
Create ( [0.5.1.f
] by simibubi
Create: Steam 'n' Rails ( [1.5.3+forge-mc1.20.1] by The Railways Team
Create Enchantment Industry ( [1.2.7.h
] by MarbleGateKeeper & LimonBlaze
PneumaticCraft: Repressurized ( [6.0.13+mc1.20.1] by desht, MineMaarten
Compressed Creativity ( [1.20.1-0.1.8.b
] by Lgmrszd
Destroy ( [0.4
] by petrolpark
Productive Bees ( [1.20.1-12.2.15] by LobsterJonn
WebDisplays ( [2.0.0-1.20.1] by GiantLuigi4, ds58, Mysticpasta1, montoyo, WaterPicker
Railcraft Reborn ( [1.0.10] by Sm0keySa1m0n, Edivad99
Xaero's Minimap ( [23.9.3] by Xaero96
Xaero's World Map ( [1.37.2] by Xaero96
Inventory Profiles Next ( [1.10.9] by blackd/mirinimi
Polymorph ( [0.49.2+1.20.1] by Illusive Soulworks
Gravestone Mod ( [1.20.1-1.0.14] by Max Henkel
Chipped ( [3.0.1] by Alex Nijjar, Grimbop, Kekie6, ThatGravyBoat
CC: Tweaked ( [1.109.3] by Daniel Ratcliffe, Aaron Mills, SquidDev
Ducky Peripherals ( [1.20.1-1.3.1] by samsthenerd
Argonauts ( [1.0.7] by Alex Nijjar, ThatGravyBoat
Athena ( [3.1.1] by ThatGravyBoat
Cadmus ( [1.0.5] by Alex Nijjar, ThatGravyBoat
Prometheus ( [1.2.3] by ThatGravyBoat
Patchouli ( [1.20.1-84-FORGE
] by Vazkii
Caelus API ( [3.1.0+1.20] by C4
Curios API ( [5.4.7+1.20.1
] by C4
GeckoLib 4 ( [4.4] by Gecko, Eliot, AzureDoom, DerToaster, Tslat, Witixin
Player Animator ( [1.0.2-rc1+1.20] by KosmX
OctoLib ( [0.1] by SSKirillSS
Architectury ( [9.1.12] by shedaniel
Cloth Config v10 API ( [11.1.118] by shedaniel
Kotlin for Forge ( [9j6YaPp2]
libIPN ( [4.0.1] by blackd/mirinimi
Sophisticated Backpacks ( [] by P3pp3rF1y, Ridanisaurus
Sophisticated Core ( [] by P3pp3rF1y
Hex Casting ( [0.11.1-7-pre-609
] by petrak@ (aka gamma-delta)
PAUCAL [0.6.0-pre-118
] by petrak@
Example Mod [1.0.0] by Me!
Resourceful Lib ( [2.1.20] by ThatGravyBoat, Epic_Oreo
MCEF (Minecraft Chromium Embedded Framework) ( [2.1.4-1.20.1] by ds58


(watch this literally be my fault)


yep it is my mods falt