Destroy: Chemistry and Carnage

Destroy: Chemistry and Carnage


Uncraftable chemicals

Andromeda-Galaxy29 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Some chemicals don't appear to be craftable. Chlorine, iodine and some others don't have a recipe in jei. Only their ions seem to be craftable. And maybe that's just my awful chemistry knowledge, but I have no idea how to turn these ions into molecules.


Chlorine is craftable through electrolysis of brine. Not sure about the rest. A lot of it is trial and error as proper JEI integration to make it fully stable is yet to happen.


Looks like a recipe for Iodine got missed, but chlorine is indeed made primarily through brine electrolysis. There is a bug where it sometimes doesn't show up because the recipe shown in JEI is the opposite direction of the reversible reaction.


Fixed in 0.6.