Destroy: Chemistry and Carnage

Destroy: Chemistry and Carnage


Problems with texture and liquid mixing in fluid tank

Phosgenick opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I was trying to make butter, and in order to mix the right ratios of cream to skinned milk (4 : 1), i linked a 8000 mB tank full of skinned milk and another of 32000 mB of cream to a 40000 mB tank, in order to create the 4:1 mixture before aplying to the basin. The first problem i encountered was that the texture of skinned milk glitched while in the pipe, giving it a black color. Then, there was no mixing of liquids in the tank, because it only acepted one of them at a time. It would be really usefull if the mixture was made previously before adding to the basin, seeing that it would consume less space and be easier to control.


Mixing of fluids in fluid tanks is a (badly balanced) suggestion for Create, not Destroy. The texture bug will be looked into.


Texture bug has been fixed in 0.7.