Destroy: Chemistry and Carnage

Destroy: Chemistry and Carnage


Suggestion: Factory Must Grow or Diesel Generators compat

semenishchev opened this issue ยท 6 comments


I saw that Oil generation and stuff is going to be completely reworked. I'm suggesting some sort of compatibility with one of these mods, so you can make gasoline, diesel and so on using the chemical processes from destroy. Diesel generator offers real-life-like generation of oil, where oceans have more oil than just on surface things. You can already distill the oil from diesel generators thanks to the crude_oil forge tag


This is ambiguous. What specific compatibility features do you think would enhance the experiences of both mods?


The both mods provide oil things to create mod. But they abstract all the chemistry from the process. In terms of gameplay I like Diesel generators more, but factory must grow adds aluminium and a lot of factory-like blocks.

Well, I'd still go with diesel generators. It has different fuel types, like petrol, diesel, and ethanol. Their crafts are non-chemistry like. The mod has its own distillation system, which distills directly to the fuels without any intermediate steps.

My idea is to block the standard way of distilling and add a way to craft fuels from chemicals, but leave the create diesel generators way of extracting oil (pumpjack is a multiblock structure, you have to have a pipe down to the bedrock in order to extract the oil). Then you have the fractions, for example benzene and some of the LPG.
As far as my knowledge goes, in order to make petrol, you have to mix benzene with MBTE (Methyl tert-butyl ether, which is made from methanol and isobutylene). A lot of stuff here is one-time-use compounds, and I think their components can be merged in 1 reaction. I didn't yet look how diesel is made.

To add to this, when reaction is done you generally get a fuel, but you have to extract it somehow. Basically to add to this idea is the ability to turn the simple compound fluids back into minecraft form (for example room temperature h2o can be turned back to minecraft water). This way, petrol made in vat can be turned into a minecraft (diesel generators) version of petrol fluid.


Sorry, by "both mods" I meant "what compatibility features with TFMG do you think would improve Destroy and TFMG" or "what compatibility features with Diesel Generators do you think would improve Diesel Generators and Destroy", but I get what you're going for.

Going from the constituent chemicals back to the oil fraction is unusual. Some support will probably be added for distilling anything tagged with forge:petroleum, for example, into appropriate chemicals. So you'll be able to go from Diesel Generator's petrol to MBTE or whatever, but not backwards. Destroy will be adding its own ways of using its Mixtures for power generation, so the backwards conversion may become unnecessary.


Well by backwards conversion I meant water as for an example as a separate suggestion. Basically, if I have a distilled water mixture, how do I turn it into minecraft water back. Also, for mixture which contains pure ethanol can be converted to some liquid of ethanol kind (from diesel generators for example). I think this could be done not on the mod level compatibility, but on a slightly lower level, for example on CraftTweaker API, where you can specify which mixture can go into which minecraft liquid or vice-versa. This also could be useful if you ever plan on implementing more basic chemistry with simple elements


That kind of stuff is indeed possible with CraftTweaker, or even just with datapacks.

While previously reluctant to work on compatibility with TFMG (and DG), it seems like their next update is actually going to properly tag their fluids, so working on that will be a lot easier.


Currently I use craftweaker to disable the oil felling aspect of destroy because that of diesel generators is better for my needs. I believe its new liquids already function correctly within Destroy no?