Destroy: Chemistry and Carnage

Destroy: Chemistry and Carnage


Hydrogen Cyanide by Andrussow process too slow

YukarinnAM opened this issue · 2 comments


I wanted to report about the HCN synthesis from Methane Ammonia Andrussow's Oxidation not yielding any amount of it
I'm unsure if this is a problem that comes from my lack of understanding of the mod's mechanics yet but i followed the next steps
i made a glass vat to have reach the high temperature required for Andrussow's Process (2NH3 + 2CH4 + 3O2 -> 2HCN + 6H2O) which is around 1200°C (~1473K), after trying to keep the pressure close to 0 from air and adding initially a single unit of platinum powder as it is used as the catalyzer for the reaction
This resulted in Hydrogen Cyanide and Water appearing in the vat's GUI, but at 0moles
i tried having a reasonably accurate stechiometry and adding a lot more of the catalyzer but results where futile
I have yet to try an increased pressure, as a quick check on the process in real life, there was no mention about pressure, but there were mentions about competing reaction for 700°C to 1200°C with Nitrogen, although this isn't implemented either, i would still need to try different pressures tho

And thanks again for your time, i'm truly looking forward to this mod's development, it has a great potencial


I'll bump the rate in 1.0.


Fixed in 1.0. With the current rate it would have taken something like heating the mixture to the temperature of an active supernova for millions of years to produce a single molecule of hydrogen cyanide.