Destroy: Chemistry and Carnage

Destroy: Chemistry and Carnage


Suggestion:Use wrench or other item to lock fluid pipe

Catchmons opened this issue · 8 comments


create original fluid system is fine,but set up a compact factory full of fluid pipe is not that easy.Locking pipe is necessary.


@Catchmons Do you mean like locking corner pipes?


Can‘t you just use Copper Casing to lock a pipe? It doesn‘t even cosume the Copper Casing, but it does look worse than an exposed pipe.


@Catchmons Do you mean like locking corner pipes?你的意思是像锁角管一样吗?



Can‘t you just use Copper Casing to lock a pipe? It doesn‘t even cosume the Copper Casing, but it does look worse than an exposed pipe.

but there is a question.copper casing is big and you cant see what's happen inside it after cover the pipe.sometimes you even need to remove it to check which pipe inside is(especially in crowded factory)


in a way,it's more like adding a method of configuiing fluid pipe


Like my centrifugal treatment (although it didnt work).But it's still helpful if I canlock the pipe, this can reduce the difficulty of building product line, and reduce the probability of errors.
2024-02-18_09 43 27


Like my centrifugal treatment (although it didnt work).But it's still helpful if I canlock the pipe, this can reduce the difficulty of building product line, and reduce the probability of errors. 2024-02-18_09 43 27

One a side note, what do you use this many centrifuges for?


To separate ethanol (I know there are too many centrifuges). It was built when I first try this mod. (Because I wanted to know what the separated product is. ) But now I know how to design it better.