Destroy: Chemistry and Carnage

Destroy: Chemistry and Carnage


More problems with liquids being voided from vats when gases are being piped in

TheRedCrafter344 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


When piping in devious LPG (0.03M methane, 0.09M ethene, 0.06M propene, 0.06M butadiene, 1.27M butane) into a 1x1 vat, the butadiene and ethene react (Diels-Alder reaction) to form cyclohexene. The problem is that the cyclohexene (which should be a liquid after forming) never shows up in the vat, even though the reactants are being consumed.

This only happens when the devious LPG is inserted via pipe. When the same devious mixture is inserted via test tube, cyclohexene is normally produced. This happens irregardless of whether there are already other liquids in the vat, and irregardless of the pipe's position/whether it is submerged or not.

Cyclohexene is also normally produced when ethylene and butadiene are put in tanks from test tubes (obtained via JEI) and then piped in one after the other from the same pipe or at the same time from different pipes, irregardless of the other contents of the vat.

It is very unlikely that the butane is affecting anything, since it retains its molar ratio with methane and thus probably doesn't react with anything, and also the problem occurs irrespectively of its presence in the vat.

(also diels-alder activation energy too low pls fix)


I have already made an issue about the diels-alder reaction happening under very cold conditions and ( even though some diels alder don't need catalysts, some ones do) without catalysts like lewis acids. It would be very nice to control the diels-alder to separate the components without making they react, maybe with a increase in temperature and the addition of ZnCl2 as the lewis acid could do the trick.