Destroy: Chemistry and Carnage

Destroy: Chemistry and Carnage


A way of working in anaerobic conditions and apple seeds

Phosgenick opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Some known reacctions used in laboratory settings is the use of metals, such as copper, to make an oxygen free enviroment in a setup
like a test tube. As there are air sensitive reactions, like the formation of CO, i thought it would be nice to have a easier way of only removing the oxygen by heating metal powders with air in a vat, making their respective oxides. The oxides could be used directly to make the salts, and the iron oxide as a key ingredient for the synthesis of the thermite brownie instead of the ore.

Also, maybe the addition of apple seeds, wich could be crushed in the press to make a weak solution of cyanide ( more of a easter egg than a game changing exploit)


There are plans for a richer system of redox reactions, of which the metal oxidations would be one. The apples are a nice idea, though if implemented it will probably be just apples, not a new seed item. The Thermite Brownie recipe is accurate, as 'thermite' refers generically to a mixture of solid oxidiser and fuel, not specifically aluminium. If aluminium did get added though, that would likely be made an option for the Thermite Brownie.


And, for a more acurate thermite recipe, maybe adding aluminum salts, obtained in a form of new ore or by washing coarse dirt, which could be electrolysed to make the metal powder. Also would be great for the addition of lewis acid catalysts in some reactions, such as benzene eletrophilic halogenation and friedel-crafts reactions.


ohhh, i meant the addition of aluminum to make the recipe more acurate, not in a sence to mimic the most known mixture. The curent recipe for thermite uses PTFE as the oxidant, probably based in the MTV flares, which generally use magnesium and PTFE (plus viton ). The reaction works well with magnesium, but iron is a weaker reducing agent, and has a weaker reaction, if one even starts. As the carbon-fluorine bond needs way more energy to be broken, magnesiumis energetic enough for this in the MTV, but not the iron, as carbon is more reactive than iron.